Chapter Two: Run Away

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After a long day of school, and not seeing my twin brother, we finally make it home. "Hello, my babies." Mama says to us. "How was school?" Larry runs upstairs and slams the door.  "It was fine, mama. We saw Sapph, she came back!" Sapphire is our step sister, and today she just came back from a mental institution where she tried to commit suicide.
"Well I'm glad your little sister is better baby, dinner will be ready soon." She kissed my forehead, and I ran upstairs.

"Larry?" I called him, but I didn't hear a voice. I heard his video game playing. "Larry?.."
"I'm right here." I yell in terror. "Sorry." He says, while eating a fruit bar.
"Are you ok? I didn't see you out side." He pauses his game and turns around. "I-I really didn't want to be outside. It was cold.." I look at him in disbelief.
"It was 84 degrees today, liar." "Well, I didn't have to come outside." Mama knocks on our door. "Dinner is ready and someone is downstairs." I look at Larry and roll my eyes.
"Whatever, come on." He walks out of the room and I follow. "H-hey..Lau." It's Sapphire! I ran to her as quick as I could. I try not to hug her as tight as I wanted to, because I knew her arms were still... hurting. "Are you hungry?" Mama looks at Sapphire. "Yes, mama." She walks into the kitchen and helps Sapphire sit down.
"What are we having, Mama?" I ask, already knowing. "La coquille de crustacés" She says, giving me a warm smile. It just shrimp, crabmeat, lobster, salmon, scallops, and a special type of sauce. "Hey, Larry." Sapphire says. He looks up, and waves. I whisper to him,
"Say hey, dude." "Hey, Sapphy." He says with an attitude. "She will be staying here until her father gets back in town." Mama says with a smile.
"I can't wait to hang out with you! I wish I could hug you, but I know you're in pain." Sapphire  laughs, and slightly raises her arms. "Now you two try to hug me." I lean in, and I look at Larry. He's already done with his food.
"Larry, come on." She laughs again. "No, I'm good." He runs upstairs. I chase in behind him.

"Lau, don't you want to run away?" I can't believe Larry said this.
"No, Larry..You have a good life, and so do I. What makes you say this?" "I don't like it here. I'm going somewhere else."
"Larry, we have the best mama in the world! She loves us, why do you want to leave?" He tears up, and looks down. "I don't wanna be here anymore.."
"W-what do you mean?" "I want to be somewhere el-" He was cut off because our mama walked in. "Sapphy we be across the hall from you guys. Time to go to bed. Goodnight." She kisses our forehead and walks out. "Goodnight." We say in unison.
"We'll talk in the morning." He rolls over, and I turn off the light.

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