Chapter Twelve: Everything Is Major With Major Part One

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Larry POV
Third period is over, and I get to see Major now. I don't know why I'm so excited. Probably because she's really...pretty...and smart. I'm sure she will be able to get a couple words right, she pays attention to a lot of things. Lau catches me in the hall, and says "Where are you going to meet Major?" I then put my books in my locker and say, "In the library. It's very quiet and peaceful." He looks at me and smiles. "I'm still on what you said this morning mon frere!" He said. I look down and I smile to myself. "Well, she is beautiful.." I reply back. "Hey Lar, you ready?" Major asked walking up all happy like. My hands start to get sweaty, and I get nervous. "Y-yeah, let's go to the library." I said. "I'll race you there!" She said with a smirk, and she took off.
By the time we got to the library, she were jumping up and down, bragging about how she won. "I let, but let's start." I say out of breathe. We walk into the library and no body is in there. "Perfect. It's quiet!" She says. "Take out a sheet of paper, and write down what you hear." I said. "Ton sourire est magnifique (Your smile is beautiful)" I say while looking her in the eyes. "Umm, I don't know, I'll try to guess what you said." She says nervously. "Um, something about me is magnificent?" She says with a smile. I began to laugh. "No, I said your smile is beautiful. I'll teach you basics for now. We're getting to far in this." I began to go back and forth with her with words. "Bonjour." "Um..Hello?" She asked. "That's right! Oui?" I respond. "Yes." Wow, she knows a lot of the basics. "Correct. Pourquoi?" I say with a smirk. " why!" I believe she knows French, or she just catches on fast. "Right again! Major est très belle..?" I say nervously hoping she doesn't get it right. "Major is very... beautiful." She says with a smile. "Y-yeah, that's right.." I say looking down. "Levez les yeux, vos yeux sont beaux..I hope I said it right.." She says. "Major, you said, 'look up, your eyes are beautiful.' Do you really think that?" I began to get scared and more nervous than ever. "O-of course I do..Larry you're really...cute and I-I got s-scared to t-tell you because I know y-you don't focus on girls like that, but I d-do like y-you. M-more than a friend..." She says while a tear falls. "Wow, and y-you are cute to Major...I think..I like you too.." I say back.

Major POV
"O-of course I do..Larry you're really...cute and I-I got s-scared to t-tell you because I know y-you don't focus on girls like that, but I d-do like y-you. M-more than a friend..." I say to him. He's cute, funny, and smart. Some may call him antisocial, but I think he's down to earth and doesn't like to be in mess. I realize a tear falls down my face and it stings badly. It was a hot tear running down my cold face. "Wow, and y-you are cute to Major...I think..I like you too.." He says back. The room goes into complete silence.

Larry POV
The room goes quiet.
Major POV
I look at his beautiful eyes and his innocent face. I began to lean in.
Larry POV
I look at her smile, and her beautiful face. I start leaning in.
Major POV
His face is only inches away from mine.
Larry POV
Her face is inches away from mine.
Major/Larry POV
I'll break the ice. I say to myself I lean in closer and we.....

To Be Continued😱 What Do You Think Major And Larry Did? Find Out In Part Two? Until Thennnn....


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