Chapter Seventeen: Off Of A Cliff

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The four of the kids soon arrived home. Major and Lau sat in the kitchen while Larry was roaming around. Saffire came in and grabbed Larry's hand. She sat him down at the table, and they all stared at each other.
"What's going on?" Larry asked. Saffire looked at him until his eyes went from black to a glass form. "What's wrong Larry?  Why are your eyes like this?" Saffire asked. "I don't know. But can we pretend like this never happened?" Larry asked. "Fine.." Saffire said. Major looked at her phone, and scratched her head. "Man, I think I'm in trouble. I gotta go. I love you Larry, bye guys." Major said. She walked out the house, and Saffire sighed hard. Her phone rang, and she went into the other room.

I don't remember anything that happened. I just know I said a few words of wisdom to Cindy, and I went into a trance after she said "kill yourself." After Major left Saffire went into another room. "Wanna play games? Or watch TV?" Lau asked. "Play games. I'll beat you in FIFA." I responded. "In your dreams!" He said while laughing. We both ran upstairs, and started the console.

"Hey Lar, I've been meaning to ask you this. Do you just love Major or are you in love with her?" Lau asked. "What's the difference?" I said while grabbing the controller. The one that always sat on the left side of the TV that said, "I'm the big bro, but he came out first. I still love him." It was all blue with white buttons. He got it for me on our birthday. It was coincidental because I got him an all white controller with blue buttons. His said,  "I'm the baby bro, but I came out first. He still loves me!" He sat on the bed, and turned on F52K. "The difference is that love is a feeling. Being in love is-" He was cut off by Saffire slamming the door open. "WE HAVE TO HURRY!" She started. We both stood up at the same time. "SAPPHIRE AND TREY HAVE MAJOR!" She explained. I felt so many emotions come to me, and once again, I fell.

"Oh gosh.. We have to pick him up and go get Major." Sapphire said. "Why do they even have her?!" I semi yelled. "I don't know but we need to hurry. The drive is.. Long." She said while walking down the stairs with Larry. She put Larry in the back seat, and we both got into the car.
"Whatever happens you will protect your brother." She said. I shook my head, and watched as Larry looked forward with his black eyes. She started the car, and we headed down the high way.

.  .  .

"How many more hours!" I said to Saffire while yawning. "No more hours. We're almost there. About a good forty five minutes away. Maybe less. Please calm down, this is for your brother's happiness." She explained. I let out a hard sigh. "Alright." I said. I looked at the time on the radio. "Eight fifty three." I said to myself. I looked back at Larry and he was smiling. His eyes were still dark still dark so he looked weird. "Stop it." I whispered. His head shook rapidly, and his smile went away. Saffire pulled over to another place where a car was parked. "She's here. The car is over there. Whatever happens we're in this together. Wake your brother up." She said. "I can't w-wake him up." I said. "Larry, wake up for me." Saffire said. He slung his head down, and rose back up. "How did we get here? Did we get Major already?" He asked. "No we're going to get her now." Saffire said. We all got out the car, and made our way up to the hill.

.  .  .

"Well. If it isn't little Larry and Lau and sad Saffire." Sapphire said with her back turned to us. "Shut up and give us Major." Saffire said sternly. "Aha, I don't think you know the deal. Larry was oh so happy and so this and that,  then one day he became quiet. Right?  That was the day I hurt him. I wiped his memory so he wouldn't remember what I did to him. He's not antisocial he's just going through the same thing I went through. Except, he'll have an opportunity to finish it." She said. "What do you mean?!" Saffire said while holding on to Larry. "You know what I mean, twin. Let's make a deal. You can get Major back-" Saffire cut Sapphire off. "Fine! Just give us Major!" She shouted. "I'm not done," Sapphire said. "you can have Major back if you give me Larry." Saffire clenched onto Larry harder. I went to the other side of Sapphire since she wasn't paying any attention to me. "I see you come back." Sapphire said. I rolled my eyes, and jogged back to Larry. "Bring Major and I'll... Give you Larry." Saffire said. She let out a tear, and Sapphire smiled. "I'll be back." Sapphire said. She went into the building, and Saffire got into a huddle with us. "No time to mess around, we're on a big cliff and anything can happen to us. Since you two look alike and are wearing the same thing,  I'll hold your hand, and Larry you pretend to be Lau. When she comes back, Larry you grab Major, and then Lau you get in the car. We got it?" Saffire said rapidly. We both nodded and got ready.

.  .  .

"I'm back." Sapphire said in a annoying tone. "Give us Major." We all said in unison. "Alright, alright here she is." Sapphire said while pushing Major. "Don't push me." Major said. We slowly started walking back towards the car, and we started to run.

By the time we made it to the car, Trey stood in front of it. "You're not going any where." He said while smiling. Everything was alright until he opened up his mouth. Saffire ran towards Trey, and he tased her. She fell to the ground and Trey smiled. He grabbed Larry, and ran off. "I'll take care of her, you just help Larry." Major said. I ran off and I saw that Sapphire had Larry at the edge. He blacked out again.

"Why do you want to do this?" I asked her. "S-step closer, and he's dead." She said. I wanted to burst out crying but I couldn't. I had to keep calm. "Once again, why do you want to do this?" I asked. She dropped Larry, and went to her knees. "Because I've been hurt! I thought if I put someone else through the pain, everybody would notice me. Larry told me he didn't love me! He hurt me, but now. I'm going to hurt him until the point where he's dead! I hate him!" She said. The moon shines over her face as a tear fell.  "Well you should've got left! And who's fault is it that you said something to him that made him say that?! Don't take your anger out on someone and it's your fault. That was stupid! And what you're doing right now is stupid! Just give me back Larry so we could work this out." I said. She wiped her tears and stood up. "Ugh.. Ok." I was shocked at how easily she gave up. She picked up Larry, and looked me in the eyes. "It was either Major or him." She said. She threw Larry off the cliff. "Wait, LAUUUUUUU-" Larry yelled. Sapphire smirked then I heard a hard crash. She walked back into the building, and I stood there with my heart ripped out my chest. The second time I lost my twin. The second time I've been incomplete. The second time I felt lost. I went to my knees, and stayed there. I cried out but no one heard me. This was it. My life was over. 

The End.

"Why Didn't You Let Me Be Antisocial?...."


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