Chapter Sixteen: What Did You Say?

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Lately I've been noticing Larry walking around with Major. I know he's not with her, I just know it. He accepted the teddy bear I gave him. Lau even told me he loved it. The seventh period bell rang, and I saw the two come out the library. I got uncomfortable with the two holding hands. It was weird because I thought Larry would be doing it to me. All of the ninth grade class walked out of the building because it was our day to go out for community hours. I caught up to Larry, and tapped him on the shoulder.  "Hey," I said to him. "what are you doing after school?" He unlocked his hands from Major,  and she crossed her arms. "I-I will be with Major.." He explained. I felt my face turn red. "Why, are you two dating?" I said sarcastically. "Yes we are. Is there a problem Cinnamon?" Major said with an attitude. "Yes there is Majorette," I replied back. "I loved Larry first so why are you with him?!" I yelled. "Probably he because he liked me and didn't care about you!" She yelled back. Lau came from the building, and walked up to us. Larry stood quiet with his head down. I looked around,  and then pulled my hair back. "I was.. Well I loved Larry first." I said softly. Major pulled her hair into a bun. "This is to much. I'm not about to do this with you. Larry loves me and that's that. Sorry Cindy,  find someone else." She said. Lau walked over to Major and got in front of Larry. "Uh,  Larry?" We all said in unison. "Cindy I never did like you I just liked the teddy bear. Can you please leave me alone? And stay away from Major and Lau or will we have problems that haven't even been thought of on this Earth. I suggest you leave now,  or those problems will happen." He said sternly. He cracked his neck and his fingers. I instantly grew mad, and gritted my teeth. "You know what? Go kill yourself." I said. Larry's eyes went black, and he dropped towards the ground.

"What did you say?!" Major yelled at Cindy. "You heard me, all of you did!" A crowd surrounded Major and Cindy while Lau was trying to help Larry up. Major soon threw the first lick and the two got to fighting.
"Larry?" Lau said. He shook him hard,  but yet Larry stayed on the ground with his eyes wide open. His eyes were black, like he had been.. in a trance or something. Saffire came out of the building because it was the end of the day. She saw Major on top of Cindy, and she ran over to them. "Hey stop!" She said to Major while picking her up. "Rat face." Major said while walking over to Larry. The two walked up to Larry, and he instantly woke up.
"What happened," He asked. "Is it time to go home?" The three looked at each other and shook their heads. "Uh, Mama won't be at home tonight so um...we can talk about this when we get home. Ok?" Saffire insisted. Larry shook his head, and they all got into Saffire's car.

When everyone cleared the scene,  I went over to Cindy. "Why didn't you beat her up?! I thought you could fight!" I yelled. "I can! She man handled me, I tried to sling her around but she ended up on top of me!" She yelled back. "She's small! How does that even-" I was cut off by a warm hand on my back. "Hey, baby." Trey said. "Not now Trey. She didn't do what was asked." I said. He walked around towards her,  and squatted towards her height. "You can't fight, shorty." He said. He walked off, and got into his car. "You know what the deal was. Bye." I ran off, and got into the car with Trey.
"She was supposed to attack Larry," I started. "how did it end up being Majority?" Trey laughed to himself. "I don't know,  but I just know I don't like that little girl." He said. I shrugged, and looked out the window. While we were driving,  a sharp object came across the car. I smirked, and looked at Trey. "I have an idea," I looked out the window once more. "But first let's do this." I planted my lips on his, and he pulled over to the side.

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