One: Do you like someone?

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Firstly, I'd like to thank @Akaashit_Keiji for amazing cover! I love it!

Shinzen High School, located in Saitama, occupied a large area and the building itself held a vast number of classrooms, so it was no surprise that every summer training camp was taking place right there. This year was special, for, apart from Ubugawa, Shinzen, Nekoma, and Fukurodani, one more volleyball team came to practice together with the others. It was Karasuno High School volleyball club from Miyagi; a team until recently called a "fallen champions" or "flightless crows". Even though they managed to drive legendary Aoba Johsai into the corner in the latest Interhigh Championships, they were still lacking and lost at the end. Right now they were aspiring to win the Spring High preliminaries and go to the nationals, and that is why they needed powerful oppontents to train with. At least this is how Fukurodani's coach explained their arrival to the team.

For [Name], who was a first year manager of the second best team in Tokyo region of which captain and ace was in the first five in the country, it was the first summer training camp in her career. Spending time among so many tall guys was kind of stressful for a fragile girl as her but she was slowly getting used to it and learning to enjoy her responsibilities which came with applying for her role in the club.

One of her favourite times of the day were evenings such as this one, when everyobody was preparing to sleep after a long day of hard work. In late hours like that she would sit in the corner of girls' room and read or talk to other girls about their teams.

Right now, since nobody seemed to be interested in having a conversation, she decided to take out a book from her bag and read it until she would feel sleepy enough to go to rest. But as soon as she did it, a cheerful voice of her senpai clashed through the room.

"Hey, let's play something since nobody is tired yet", Shirofuku made a suggestion to which other girls nodded approvingly.

[Name] and her classmate, Kaori, with whom she applied for the role of a manger, looked at each other inquiringly. They both were quite shy, so in every social situation they would prefer to be sure that both of them are into it, even though they never actually said it out loud. They giggled seeing that they both were thinking the same thing and moved towards a circle made by their friends in the centre of the classroom, which served as their bedroom.

"What are we going to play?", Miyanoshita, Ubugawa's manager, asked when everybody sat comfortably.

"What would you say about truth or dare?", Shirofuku replied and looked around. "But there seems to be not a lot of things to do in case somebody chooses 'dare', so maybe let's play only 'truth?'", she corrected herself.

"That sounds fun", Kiyoko said with a smile and her younger friend nodded approvingly.

She was really pretty, Karasuno's manager, [Name] thought a little bit jealous of the girl's looks. But she was sure it wasn't only her who thought that just now. Every girl in the room seemed to be slightly envious.

"Let's start with Yacchan", Otaki said as she turned to the little blonde girl.

"Y-Yes!", Yachi exclaimed nervously.

"Why did you decide to be a manager?", Shirofuku asked.

"Because I want to show that villager B is important too!", the girl explained, though nobody really understood what she just said.

A couple of other girls answered their questions before it came to [Name], who was jigling restlessly.

"[Name]-chan", Shirofuku smiled widely, "is there someone you like?"

As the question clashed through the room, all of the girls' heads turned to [Name], pending an answer.

"Huh?", the girl was surprised. "I don't... I don't think so", she replied, but her words didn't seem to satisfy her friends. Instead, they made sly expressions and continued inquiring.

"Really? Are you sure?", Shirofuku's voice was hued with disbelief.

[Name] moved back, confused.

"W-Why don't you believe me?", she asked, feeling a cold sweat forming on her forehead.

"I'm just assuring", her friend smiled and changed the subject. "Then can I ask you a different question?"

[Name] nodded and gulped nervously. That's why she didn't like those kind of games; they were always leading to situations like this.

"What do you think about Akaashi?"

[Name] jolted. Why did hearing his name always make her feel so stressed?

"He's nice and intelligent", she answered as indifferently as she could. If she let her emotions overflow her voice, her senpai would immediately misunderstand something.

"Hm?", Shirofuku raised an eyebrow. "But what do you think about his looks?", she didn't back down.

The image of the tall, raven haired boy appeared in [Name]'s head. What did she think of his grey, composed eyes; of his slim, though muscular arms?

"[Name]-chan?", her peer's voice woke her up from the reverie.

"He's... He is handsome, b-but I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that, right?", [Name] answered and explained herself before even hearing her friends' responses.

"Well, yeah, that's true", Shirofuku replied after a moment of consideration. "But I still think that you two would look nice as a couple".

[Name] widened her eyes and felt her cheeks getting slightly red. She immediately tried to cool down before her senpai would notice that.

"Come to think of it, you always stay with him and Bokuto-san after the practices...", Yachi broke in with afterthough on her face.

"I... I want to help them as much as I can", [Name] explained when all the eyes locked on her once again. "Let's continue the game, okay?", she added, feeling really uncomfortable with beeing the centre of attention.

She sighed with relief when everybody's heads turned to Kiyoko who was sitting next to her.

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