Eight: Remember

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"I guess it was a bad moment to come...", a precarious voice came form the nursery's office door and [Name] quickly turned her head to see the grey haired third year standing in them with confounded expression on his face. "I didn't know that you and Aghaashi-", he continued but as he looked at the girl, he paused. "[Name]-chan, why are you crying?"

The girl jolted and touched her cheeks, surprised to feel the tears washing over them and slowly dropping on the floor.

She stood up rapidly and walked up to the boy who was still standing at the same place. Looking on the ground, she mumbled:

"Bokuto-san, have you seen this?"

Bokuto raised an eyebrow.

"You've been kissing, right?", he asked.

"No, we haven't", the girl denied. "It was an accident".

"What-", he wanted to say something but [Name] interrupted him.

"And since it was an accident, if Akaashi won't remember it, you don't have to tell him".

"But-", he tried once again.

"Please, don't tell him", this time [Name]'s voice wasn't as assertive as previously. It was more like a beseech.

Bokuto furrowed his eyebrows, but finally, he sighed.


"Thanks", [Name] said hastily, and as she passed by the boy, she started running as fast as she could to the place where she could be alone.

She still had some time before the break would finish, so she entered the bathroom and locked herself in a cabin where she could relax.

She touched her lips, which were still hot from Akaashi's fever. She could still feel his dry lips on hers and the image of his blushing face moving closer to her was making her weak. All those emotions accrued in her came out so fast she didn't even notice when she started crying.

She was happy to kiss Akaashi, but the fact that he didn't do it intentionally was painful. She wanted to imagine that it was one of those romantic scenes when weakened by a fever boy confesses his love to the girl he likes, but it was just too perfect to be true. Instead, he lost his conciousness and fell on her, accidentialy bumping on her lips. Just how miserable was it?

As [Name] heard the bell clashing through the corridors, she quickly stood up, grabbing her bag. Once again, she wiped her eyes to hide any marks of her crying.

She walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the classroom.

Just as if nothing happened.

"[Name], is everything okay?", Kaori's worried voice woke the girl up from the reverie.

[Name], who was picking up the balls after the practice, turned to her friend.

"Yes, why are you asking?", she replied as convincingly as she could.

"You've been quiet since you left the nursery's office. And Bokuto-san was peeking at you the whole practice", the girl explained. "Did something go wrong with Akaashi-san?", she asked with a worried voice.

[Name] shivered and moved her eyes on the floor.

"I said everything is fine. You don't have to worry", she affirmed, but the grimace on her face wasn't matching her words.

Aware of that, and of the fact that Kaori wouldn't stop inquiring, she quickly added:

"I have to leave earlier today. Can I leave you the rest?"

And not waiting for her friend's response, she ran towards the girl's changing room.

It was late evening when [Name] finally decided.

Sitting on her bed, she reached for the phone which was lying on the night table.

Akaashi was lying under the blankets, trying to fall asleep, when his phone rang.

Received at: 21:43

From: [Name]

How are you feeling?

[Name] was waiting for the response, full of anxiety. The next message she would get, would be able to change everything what was between her and Akaashi. If he remembered what had happened, nothing would be the same again. She wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes without embarrassment, let alone to talk to him as she did up until now.

On the other hand, if he didn't remember...

Right, what if he didn't remember?

It would be better, right? She wouldn't have to worry about their relationship. She would be able to be as close to him as she was all this time.

She should want him to forget.

But somehow this vision was making her hurt. Even after the kiss, nothing would change. Akaashi would still like some other girl, and she would still be left behind, broken.

Suddenly, the sound of incoming message woke her up from the reverie.

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