Twelve: Requited

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[Name] was staring at Akaashi with widely opened eyes. Her eyelashes were glued together with the remains of the tears she shed a moment ago. Although she stopped crying, her eyes were still wet, and her sight was blurry. The feeling of Akaashi's hand resting on her blazing cheek was sending her shivers and making her heart go mad.

Once again, she sobbed. But this time it weren't the tears of sorrow. This time it was pure happiness that was coming out of her.

"A-Akaashi-san", she whined and grabbed his shirt, hiding her face in his chest, "I also like you... I did... For a long time...", she clutched her fists on the material even tighter. "B-But I was sure you liked some other girl. I-I was trying so hard to give up on you, but I couldn't. I like you too much", she cried quietly, savouring this little intimate moment she shared with Akaashi. She was swallowing up the warmth coming from the boy's body, inhaling his scent, feeling around his firm chest.

At the same time, Akaashi was trying his best to resist his urge to lam out on the girl and to kiss her to death. Her warmth, her scent, the feeling of her body clutching to his was making him go out of his mind. Letting the light blush flow onto his cheeks, he slowly stretched his hand towards her face. He dug his fingers in her (h/c) locks, which were curling next to her ear.

"I won't forget this one", he said when the girl looked up at him.

She blushed and closed her eyes, prepared to be kissed once again. Akaashi was slowly leaning forward when a loud grunt clashed through the hallway and made both of them freeze.

"I see you're all fine, but we miss our best setter on the practice", Shirofuku hummed, a suggestive smile on her face.

Akaashi moved back, while [Name] covered her face with her hands, wishing for the ground to open up. She knew she would be drowned with questions at the end of the practice.

The manager turned around and headed towards the exit, leaving the two of them behind. Akaashi stood up and bended over the girl who was squeezing under the wall. He stretched his hand towards her and smiled.

"Let's go, [Name]", he said and the girl looked up at him.

She stiffened for a moment seeing the light smile he was giving her, and once again, she realised how pretty it was. She was happy to be the one causing it. She grabbed his hand and stood up, but when she wanted to let go of it, Akaashi tightened his grip. The girl remained silent, locking her eyes on the bony palm entangling her hand. She let Akaashi lead, and stayed a little bit behind him, so that she could observe his back. They were walking in silence, both of them trying hard to hold back the blush growing on their faces.

"[Name]", Akaashi spoke up.

"Yes?", the girl said.

"Call me Keiji", he announced without turning his look on the girl. He didn't want her to see his flushed face right now.

"Keiji...", [Name] repeated mechanically as if she heard this word for the first time. I took her a while to realise what the boy really asked for. She widened her eyes and felt a great wave of heat overflow her. "W-What?", she protested, but they didn't have time to talk anymore, as they reached the gymnasium.

She was so shocked that she didn't even realise that they were still holding hands. Only the surprised looks of their teammates made her remember it. She quickly took her hand away and ran up to the bench. She sat next to Kaori and hid her face in her notebook, aware of the fact that everybody was looking at her.

"[Name]-chan, don't tell me...", her friend gasped in surprise.

"Don't make it even more embarrassing", [Name] whined.

She slowly lifted her head above the notebook and saw that the practice resumed. She sighed with relief and started searching for Akaashi among the other boys. When she found him, she realised that he was looking at her, which made her even more embarrassed. She moved her eyes on the ground, feeling her cheeks go slightly red.

"Now, [Name]-chan, tell us everything", Shirofuku said as she closed the door to the girls' changing room. The eyes of both girls were locked on [Name]'s red face. She turned around, as if trying to protect herself from the cunning looks of her friends.

"W-Well, it seems that Akaashi-san a-also feels something for me", she replied, stumbling on her words.

"It seems? It's obvious he wouldn't want to kiss a girl he didn't like", Shirofuku grinned, knowing perfectly well that the mention of the intimate moment would make [Name] even more embarrassed.

The girl jolted and a new wave of heat flocked her face.

"What?! You kissed?!", Kaori suddenly livened up.

"W-We... It wasn't actually the first time...", [Name] said quietly, covering her burning red cheeks.

"What?!", this time both girls were surprised.

"I mean... The first time was when he collapsed at me at the infirmary", she explained.

"Does he remember it?", Shirofuku got interested.

"No, I didn't want him to know. But Bokuto-san saw us and told him even though I asked him not to...", the girl answered and her friends smiled indulgently. They knew their captain too well to actually expect him to keep his mouth shut.

"Let's hope that Akaashi-san will manage to keep his focus on the practices from now on", Kaori said with a smile. "It would be a problem if he was too absorbed in admiring you".

[Name] blushed. She wouldn't really mind Akaashi to look only at her.

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