Five: Last day

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The gymnasium in the afternoon was fulled with uproar and hollers of the players. All the teams were even more motivated than usually since they were playing their last match on this training camp. Fukurodani, who was leading on the general scoreboard with majority of wins, was now playing against Karasuno, and, despite Bokuto's emo mode ( ゚ ͟ʖ ゚) being activated, the team was keeping its composure. Shirofuku and Kaori were standing on the side of the court, noting everything they felt was important or interesting: starting with the scorers, ending with some amazing setups made by both teams.

[Name], who claimed to have a stomachache and sat in the corner, was also observing the game. At least that's what one would think seeing her. But the truth was that her mind was completely elsewhere. Before her eyes, she could still see Akaashi's t-shirt crumbled by her fingers; she could still feel his warmth and the shiver that went through his body when she asked him about the girl he likes; and all of that was making her hurt to the point that she couldn't look right at him, afraid of the incoming memories of their yesterday's conversation. Even though she knew that she couldn't change the way Akaashi was seeing her, she still held a hope that someday he might return her feelings, and for that, she was cursing herself. The unfulfilled expactations hurt even more than giving up so why couldn't she just back down and honestly wish him good luck with the girl he liked? She wanted so much for that to be so easy but only by looking at him and feeling her heart going crazy, she understood that her will was at the hiding to nothing in view of her feelings.

She peeked at Akaashi from the corner of her eye. The boy was looking at her inquiringly and as soon as their eyes met, she turned her look on the ground, feeling the giant wave of heat flowing onto her face. How long has he been observing her? What was he thinking about? Was yesterday's situation embarassing also for him? Did he realise how it looked like from the side? All of those thoughts circulated through [Name]'s head until the last whistle clashed through the gymnasium, signalising the end of the last match of the training camp.

The training camp officially ended and every team was leaving the Shinzen High School. Fukurodani was getting on their bus and taking their seats, while [Name] was helping the coach with packing the equipment to the boot. Bokuto was heading towards Akaashi, who was already sitting by the window, when a sudden pull stopped him.

"Bokuto, you're sitting with me", Shirofuku announced without asking for his opinion.

The boy wanted to say something, but seeing the girl's menacing glare, he decided not to confront her.

The bus was nearly full when [Name] walked in, the only free seat being the one next to Akaashi who would normally sit with Bokuto. She turned her suspicious look on Shirofuku and, just as she expected, her friend was smiling at her slyly and showed her two crossed fingers. [Name] sighed and started to regret not telling everybody about her yesterday's conversation with Akaashi and the fact that he already liked somone. Well, it was too late now to change it, so she slowly moved towards the free seat, getting nervous more and more with every step she took.

Akaashi, who was looking out of the window until now, turned to the blushing girl and smiled lightly. Avoiding his look, [Name] sat down and put her bag under the seat in front of her. The bus headed out and soon a sleepy atmosphere overtook it. Almost everybody was sleeping or at least trying to fall asleep. But not [Name], who, despite the lack of sleep, didn't feel like napping. Turned away from Akaashi, she was observing the road from the window on the other side of the bus.

"[Name], are you better now?", the boy's voice woke her up form the reverie.

She peeked at him and turned her look on the ground.

"Yeah, sorry for worrying you", she replied with a remorse.

"Were you perhaps feeling bad because of our yesterday's conversation?", he asked and [Name] jolted at the sole mention of it. The one she was leaning on just yesterday was sitting next to her and talking without any sign of embarrassment in his voice, as opposed to her, who was blushing madly and had to turn her face away to hide it.

"P-Please forget about it", she said nervously.

"Why?", the boy asked, puzzled.

"It's embarrassing, isn't it?", she replied.

"What?", Akaashi still didn't understand.

"The fact that you've seen me... In such a state. That I let you see me", [Name] explained and clenched her fists.

"'Such a state'? You mean showing your weakness? I think... I think that you look cute when your sensitive side comes out", he said and the girl turned her head to him, surprised. He was looking out of the window to hide his blush.

"Akaashi-san, you like someone...", [Name] said after moment of silence and the boy shivered.

"Yes...", he replied warily and peeked at her.

"Why don't you confess to her? I'm sure she would agree to go out with you", she asked, not really sure why. After all, if Akaashi got a girlfriend, she would be broken. But at the same time, she was really curious about the mysterious girl he liked.

"It's not that easy...", the boy said and looked sadly on the ground.

You like somebody, don't you?, he thought.

[Name] was staring at him for some time, but she decided to leave this subject. Soon she felt a little bit sleepy and she didn't even notice when she fell asleep.

Akaashi felt a light touch on his shoulder and when he looked at it, he saw [Name]'s peacefully sleeping face lying on it. He smiled to himself and let the light blush flow onto his cheeks.

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