Ten: It's you

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"Hi, [Name]-chan!", Bokuto's cheerful voice greeted [Name] as she stepped into the gymnasium.

Her eyes were swollen, she didn't even make an effort to force a smile.

"Good morining, Bokuto-san", she replied and headed towards the bench. The boy followed her, surprised by her appearance.

"What has happened?", he asked, observing the exhausted girl closely.

"Ah, I've been to Akaashi's house", [Name] said, digging through her bag in search for her notebook.

"I see... But why do you look like you weren't sleeping at all?", Bokuto inquired.

"He knew about the kiss", the girl didn't answer his question.

Bokuto jolted and a cold sweat formed on his forehead.

"Oh, really?", he laughed nervously, but [Name]'s gaze made him fess up:

"Yeah, sorry, I blurted".

The girl sighed but she left it without a comment.

There was no point in getting angry at him.

"Oh, Akghaashi!", you heard Bokuto's voice over you and your heart suddenly speeded up.

[Name] looked up and saw a raven haired boy standing at the doorway with his usual indifferent expression.

She wasn't prepared to see him after yesterday's visit. After all, once again, he saw her crying. And this time he knew it was because of him.

How could she look him in the eyes?

She was gaping at him being greeted by his teammates, but she didn't walk up to him. She felt as if her legs were nailed to the ground. She couldn't move and she didn't want to move. Honestly, she'd be happy to become invisible for the time Akaashi was around.

But most obviously she wasn't. Soon the boy's eyes wandered to the place where she was sitting. Their eyes met and a sudden wave of heat overflew [Name]. She quickly moved her head away, not to show the boy how stressed out she was.

Akaashi walked up to the bench and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He wasn't sure what to say.

"[Name], can we talk?", he asked.

There was still time before the morning practice would start, so you had no reason to refuse.

"What I said yesterday...", Akaashi started, looking at [Name] inquiringly. "I was honest. I know that you like someone and that's why I'm sorry for this whole situation", he said and sighed.

Not that I hate the vision of kissing you, he added in his thoughts.

[Name] wanted to reply something but the words stuck in her throat. She just shook her head to show that he shouldn't be sorry.

"But if there was no meaning to it, I guess it's okay, right?", the boy continued.

The girl felt a sting on her heart. Yeah, it meant nothing either way, so why was she recalling this moment over and over?

"The one that you like... He's really lucky", Akaashi said to loosen the atmosphere between them.

But it didn't work. [Name] clenched her teeth in order to keep her composure.

"I already told you he likes someone different", she replied and started shaking.

"[Name]", Akaashi changed his voice into a more serious one. "Who is he?", he asked straightforwardly. Maybe if he knew it, he would be able to give up on her.

The girl jolted and moved her eyes on the ground, a light blush huing her cheeks.

"I will tell you", she answered, "if you promise that you will never ever touch upon it anymore".

The boy raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Do you remember when I described him?", [Name] asked.

"Yes. He's handsome, intelligent, quiet, and a year older", Akaashi repeated everything she said surprisingly easily.

"I can't believe you still have no idea about who it is", the girl smiled awry. "Will it be enough to say that he's on our volleyball team?"

Suddenly, Akaashi widened his eyes, slowly realising who it was.

"Is it-", he wanted to ask, but the girl interrupted him.

"Have you ever even taken into account that it might be you?!"

It's you (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now