Six: You're amazing

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The summer break finished faster than expected and reluctantly, all the students had to come back to school. Even though most of them would be still sleeping, [Name] was already on her feet at the school, waiting for the rest of her team to come. She was quite early for the practice should start in twenty minutes time, but she couldn't sleep so she decided to go to school earlier and prepare all the stuff needed for the training before anybody would come. Humming quietly, she opened the door to the storeroom and took out the trolley with balls.

"Hello, [Name]", some voice clashed from behind her and she nearly jumped in shock.

"Hello, Akaashi-san", she turned to the boy standing at the door and smiled. "Why are you so early?", she asked.

"I got ready earlier than I thought", he replied. "And you?"

"I couldn't sleep", the girl said and scratched the back of her head. She felt awkward being alone with him. She didn't know what to say.

"Wait, I'll help you", Akaashi stopped her from pumping up the balls, and quickly changed his shoes.

"Thank you", she replied with a smile as he sat next to her; close enough for her to feel his warmth. Or was it her who turned warmer?

"H-How did you like the training camp?", [Name] broke the silence between them.

"It was interesting. And exhausting", he replied shortly. "Karasuno's setter is amazing".

"You're amazing", [Name] fired and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Why did she say that? It was strange, she wanted the ground to open up.

Akaashi turned to her, surprised.

"Thank you, but I'm no one compared to him", he replied after a moment.

"Akaashi-san, can I ask you a question?", [Name] asked after a while of silence which grew between them. He turned his head to her to see her playing nervously with her fingers, with a hesitant expression on her face. She wasn't looking at him, her eyes were locked on the ground.

"What's the matter?", he asked and stopped pumping up the ball. What made her so stressed out?

"W-What k-kind of a girl is the one y-you like?", she stumbled, still too scared to look at the boy directly. It wasn't necessary for her to know what type of girls Akaashi preferred but she was really curious what she was lacking in his eyes and asking for it straightforwardly wasn't an option.

Akaashi widened his eyes for a split of second before his usual expression reappeared.

"Why do you ask?"

The girl jolted and a cold sweat formed on her forehead.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked...", she apologised and went quiet, cursing herself for asking Akaashi for something this private.

"I will tell you", he said and [Name] turned her head to him with surprised expression on her face, "if you tell me about the guy you like", he finished the sentence and for a moment the girl's enthusiasm withered.

Is it too much to ask her for?, Akaashi wondered but his anxiety turned out to be unnecessary when [Name] regained her previous curiosity and nodded approvingly to the codition which he suggested.

"He's... He's really handsome and intelligent. And he's always composed and cool, but he doesn't brag about it", she said and a little wave of heat flew on her cheeks.

By observing the girl when she was talking, Akaashi was getting more and more painfully aware of his lost cause. It was easy to realise how deep into that guy [Name] was. He felt a little sting on his heart listening to her, and even her flushed face didn't make him feel better, since he knew that the one making her embarrassed wasn't him.

"Is he your peer?", he asked.

The girl swithered before answering:

"No, he's a year older".

After all, Akaashi wasn't the only second year she knew, so he shouldn't get suspicious just because they're the same age. And indeed, he didn't.

"So how about you?", [Name] asked, relieved that her turn was over.

"She's cute. And clever, and also quite reserved. But if you get to know her, she would eventually open up and show her funny side. Also, she's very kind towards everyone. But she often doesn't realise how liked she is", Akaashi's face didn't change when he was describing the girl, but [Name] could see how nervous he was when talking about her. His habit of playing with his fingers when anxious showed up and even though [Name] would usually feel her insides sqeezing when seeing this, now it made her feel empty, for she knew that when talking with her, he wasn't nervous at all. "And she also doesn't realise how I feel about her. Oh, and she's a year younger", he finished.

[Name] didn't even consider the one Akaashi was talking about was her. She was looking dimly at him, afraid to show any specific reaction to his words. She was unable to act unmoved, but letting her real emotions unveil wouldn't lead to anything.

"So you would like to date her?", she asked.

"Yeah", the boy nodded.

"And kiss her?", she inquired, even though the answer was obvious.

Akaashi peeked at the girl who, to his surprise, wasn't blushing. She was looking at the ground, but her face was vague and she somehow seemed to be absent.

He raised an eybrow and replied warily, observing closely the girl's reaction to his words.

"Yeah, I'd really like to kiss her".

[Name]'s expression didn't change, but her fists clenched at his answer, which went unnoticed by the boy who was focusing on her face.

He sighed seeing her unmoved look, and turned his eyes on the ceiling.

Yeah, what was he expecting after all?

"Do I know her?", she asked unexpectedly.

Akaashi, woken up from a reverie, hesitated before answering:

"Y-Yeah, she goes to this school".

He felt his heart pace speeding up as the girl didn't reply immediately.

Her fringe was covering her face, so he couldn't see the expression she was wearing.

Could she guess that the one he liked was her?

"I didn't know you're talking to the girl's from the first year", [Name] finally said, and a wave of relief overflew the boy.

You're sometimes really silly, [Name], he thought and smiled lightly to the girl

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