Nine: Stay

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[Name] pushed the doorbell shyly, clenching her grip on the strip of her bag. In her second hand, she was holding a homework of class 6, year 2.

It was her first time visiting Akaashi, and she still wasn't sure if she should have come. But when she asked the boys, all of them seemed to have plans for today's evening, not to mention girls who only giggled and wished her luck. She sighed, regretting telling them about her feelings for Akaashi. If only she stayed silent, this awkward situation in the infirmary would never happen, and she wouldn't have to pretend that everything was normal as always.

Hopefully the only people who remembered it was her and Bokuto. The message she received from Akaashi was only: 'Better, sorry for fainting during our talk', so it was obvious that he had no idea about what happened after he collapsed. But somehow the message didn't make her relieved - quite the opposite. She felt some inexplicable pain in her heart. But she decided to shake it off and act as always.

Hearing no response to the doorbell, the girl slowly opened the door, and peeked through the cranny. But as nobody was there, she walked in and closed the door. She took off her shoes and, guessing that Akaashi's room was there, she climbed up the stairs. She knocked on the only doors which were closed but nobody answered, so she quietly pushed on a handle.

In the bed in front of her was lying a sleeping boy, covered with a blanket. [Name] smiled to herself and closed the door. She moved closer to Akaashi and as quietly as she could she put her bags next to the bed. The boy was breathing peacefully, his slightly blushed face was showing no trace of conciousness. [Name] felt a wave of heat flowing on her cheeks as she was observing him.

Should she wake him up? She didn't want to, she would happily stay and gape at his long eyelashes and messy hair for as long as she could. She moved her eyes on the boy's lips and shivered. These lips were the lips she could still feel on hers, which she yearned for, and which were now moving slowly with every breath the boy was taking. [Name] felt this restless pain in her heart once again. These lips were the only part of Akaashi which remembered yesterday's incident.

She froze as she realised something. It wouldn't be a harm for Akaashi if she used the fact that he was sleeping, right? It would be just a second... But this time she would be able to kiss him properly.

She blushed, embarrassed of the sole idea of using the boy's unconciousness for satisfying her selfish needs. But the urge was so big, she just couldn't resist.

She moved closer to Akaashi, resting her hands on the edge of the bed. She leaned over him, observing his peaceful face. She closed her eyes, and slowly, she started moving forwards.

"[Name]?", Akaashi's surprised voice stopped her just before she would close the gap between their lips.

The girl jumped back, panting. Her face was red, her eyes wide opened.

"I-I was checking your temperature!", she exclaimed in excuse.

The boy sat up and looked at her blankly.

"I see", he replied, and some kind of sorrow could be heard in his voice.

"I brought you your homework", [Name] said and pointed on the bag lying next to his bed. She lifted her own bag and turned towards the doors.

"I'll be going", she announced and took a step forward, clenching her teeth and cursing herself innerly.

How embarrassing.

"[Name]-", Akaashi's voice stopped her before she could reach the handle.

"Yes?", she asked without turning to him.

"I'm sorry", the boy said.

[Name] stiffened for a moment.

"What for?", she inquired.

"Bokuto-san told me...", Akaashi explained and the girl jolted, her heart beating madly. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to kiss you".

He remained silent, waiting for [Name]'s response. Observing her, he noticed how she started shaking and how she clenched her fists.

"I know you didn't want to", she mumbled under her breath. "Just forget about it, okay?", she said and turned her head to the boy who widened his eyes in shock.

Her eyes were filled with tears, her cheeks blushing madly.

He wanted to say something, but it was too late. She already left his house.

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