Fifteen: Forever

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[Name] and Akaashi were in the middle of their walk to the station, when a blinding flash of light crossed the sky, followed by a loud thunder. The girl shivered and unconsciously tightened her grip on Akaashi's hand.

The boy looked at the clouded sky and stopped walking. So did [Name].

"It looks like there's going to be a storm soon", he said and moved his eyes on his girlfriend. "You can't go home in this case".

[Name] also looked at him, confused expression on appearing her face.

"But-", she wanted to protest but the boy interrupted her.

"You don't even have an umbrella, right? And it's dangerous", he said calmly, yet decisively.

She couldn't contradict it.

"So what should I do now?", she asked instead.

Akaashi smiled.

"Come to my house. It's not far from here, we should arrive there before the rain will start", he suggested.

[Name] widened her eyes as a small blush flew on her cheeks. It would be the first time she would actually be alone with him for a longer time. Alone with her boyfriend... It made her excited and nervous at the same time.

"O-Okay", she nodded and let the boy lead the way.

When they arrived, Akaashi got the keys out of his bag.

"Your mother is not home?", the girl asked, surprised.

"She's away for the night. Some work related matters", he explained when opening the door.

"I see...", [Name] said, quite relieved that she didn't have to talk with her boyfriend's mother and reply to all of the embarrassing questions about their relationship.

She walked inside and took off her shoes. She was ready to go upstairs when Akaashi's voice stopped her.

"Go to my room, I'll be back in a moment", he announced, heading to the kitchen.

As the girl opened Akaashi's room door, she gulped.

For some reason, her heart speeded up and her body got stiff. She could guess that she became even more nervous than before, but was that because she was finally alone with Akaashi, or because she didn't know how she should act? Probably both.

She inhaled deeply before overstepping the doorway. Last time she was there, she didn't really pay attention to the room's decor, since she was more focused on keeping her composure. But this time she could calmly look around.

The room was quite simple - with white walls and only necessary furniture like wardrobe, bed, desk, chair, and some shelves. She walked up to the bed and sat on its edge, waiting for Akaashi to come.

A cold sweat formed on her forehead. What should she say, what should she do, how should she act? A great number of thoughts started flying through her mind, and she would have panicked if it hadn't been for Akaashi who woke her up from the reverie.

"We'll wait until the storm ends and I will walk you to the station", he announced, sitting next to her.

A tray with some water and juice was standing on the desk. It seemed that [Name[ didn't realise when he came to the room.

She wanted to reply something, but the words stuck in her throat.

Was she that nervous?

She gripped the linen of the bed tightly, trying to relax. But for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to even look at the boy.

Say something!, she squealed innerly, but her thoughts didn't match her actions.

"[Name]? Are you okay?", Akaashi asked, looking at the girl inquiringly.

She nodded hastily, but she didn't turn her head to him. Instead, her face got red.

"Are you nervous?", the boy asked once again.

She nodded again.

A silence followed.

"You're cute", she heard after a moment, which almost made her jump.

She turned to Akaashi, her face burning red.

Suddenly, all her nervousness went away.

She furrowed her eyebrows and moved quickly towards the boy, their faces only milimetres form each other. She put her both hands on his cheeks and looked him straight in his widely opened eyes.

"That's unfair you're always the one to make me blush, but you don't blush yourself", she pouted. "I want to see your fluhed face too".

No matter how hard he tried to hold back the growing wave of heat, the boy couldn't help but blush. Their faces so close, their noses almost touching, the scent of [Name]'s shampoo and perfume - it was too much for him.

"Finally", the girl smirked seeing Akaashi's growing embarrassment. "We're square", she added.

"No, we're not", the boy replied and grabbed [Name]'s wrists. He pulled them to the sides, creating himself a way to the girl's lips.

He caught them with his and laid [Name] down on the bed, while still keeping the kiss. They stayed like this for a moment before Akaashi slowly slip his tongue to the girl's mouth. She moaned in surprise and clenched her fists.

Trying to breathe through nose, she followed the boy's moves, which were becoming progressively faster. Soon, she began to lack air and her eyes watered. She moaned to give Akaashi a signal to move back and as he did that, she gasped in exhaustion.

They both were now blushing madly, and hiding it would be impossible.

They were looking each other in the eyes, one thought coming through their minds.

I want to stay like this forever.

Nothing was in a way for that to happen.

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