Seven: Moment of weakness

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Even though the morning practice finished a long time ago and it was already late afternoon, [Name] couldn't stop thinking about Akaashi's words. So he was in fact thinking about things like kissing and all this romantic stuff, despite he didn't look like he was interested in it... She really wanted to see him embarrassed, to see how he would look like when picking up the girl - after all he was always so cool and composed. It would be an honour to be the one to make him go out of his mind. What should she do to make Akaashi like her? What should she do to make him fall out of love with the stranger? Everybody was saying that they would look good together so why Akaashi himself couldn't notice that?

[Name] put her face on the table, unable to concentrate on what the teacher was saying.

No, the one who needed to change was her. She had to learn how to give up on someone. But she was hopeless in this area, since romance and stuff like that hadn't interested her up until recently, so how could she know that?

The bell rang and all the students were slowly leaving the classroom, except [Name] who wanted to sit alone for a while. But apparently the peace and silence wasn't meant for her because as soon as everybody left, the door opened with a loud slam and Kaori appeared in them, panting from a run.

"[Name]!", she exclaimed and walked up to her, excited.

[Name] turned to her friend with a questioning look on her face.

"Akaashi is not feeling good", Kaori informed.

"Oh, that's bad", the girl replied, not understanding why her friend looked so happy about it.

"He's got a high fever and is now lying in the nurse's office", she added.

"So I suppose he won't be on the evening practice?", [Name] asked.

"He won't, but it's not that!", Kaori said with indignation. "What I mean is that maybe he needs some care?", she suggested with evocative voice.

[Name] blushed as she realised what her friend was talking about. So according to Kaori she was the one who should use the boy's weakness to her advantage? Use the fact that he's probably lying there half-concious? It sounded and seemed perverted and that's why [Name] didn't agree right away.

"I bet Bokuto-san is already with him", she said instead.

"Bokuto-san doesn't know yet, so you have to hurry up", Kaori rushed her off. She took her hand and dragged her out of the classroom.

"Kaori-chan, it's useless...", [Name] tried to explain to her friend how Akaashi liked someone else, but she didn't listen. She stopped in front of the nurse's office and nudged her lightly for luck. Then she opened the door and forcibly pushed the girl inside.

The nurse wasn't there, and the only person [Name] could see was Akaashi, who seemed to be sleeping. She gulped and sat quietly beside him, not sure about what she should do.

He was lying under the blanket which was moving with every breath he took. His face looked peacefully, even though his cheeks were blushing slightly and only now did [Name] realise how long were his eyelashes. She moved her eyes on the boy's hands, lying leisurely at his sides. They were strong and bony, definitely bigger than hers. They always seemed to be cold, and [Name] finally had a chance to check if she was right about it. Slowly, she stretched her hand towards him and as lightly as she could she put her palm on his, hoping that the boy wouldn't wake up. It was hot, but was it because of the fever or was it always like that? Suddenly, she almost jumped up when she felt Akaashi's hand clenching on hers. She peeked at his face but he didn't seem to wake up, so [Name] guessed that he had to unconciously grab her. She smiled to herself at the thought that they probably looked like a couple now.

She was sitting with Akaashi for some time but when the next lesson was about to start soon, she slowly started getting up, ready to let go of the boy's hand which she was holding all this time. But as soon as she moved, a strong grip stopped her and as she turned around she saw Akaashi picking himself up on the bed and wiping his sleepy eyes. He was holding her hand strongly, so that she couldn't move. She was looking at their hands with growing blush and finally she cracked under the pressure which arose between them.

"A-Akaashi-san?", she squeked quietly, unable to say anything more.

The boy looked at her and as if he only realised what was going on, he quickly let go of [Name]'s hand, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to do it", he said apologetically and [Name] froze. Yeah, right, why would he want to hold hands with her? This magical moment when she could imagine they were holding hands like a boy and a girl was over and now there was only her and Akaashi - just as always.

"It's okay...", she replied and turned around to leave, but Akaashi stopped her.

"Wait, [Name]", he called out to her before she could step out of the room. The little spark of hope appeared in the girl. "You left the bag...", he said and [Name] felt the sudden urge to cry. Every hope that she would get, would be crashed by reality. Holding back the tears, she walked up to his bed and squatted to grab the bag lying beside the chair she was sitting on.

"I'll tell the rest that you won't be coming to the practice", she announced, locking her eyes on the ground. Akaashi nodded and the girl was about to leave when he grabbed her wrist. [Name] turned to him and wanted to say something but she closed her mouth seeing that the boy was blushing even more than previously and his eyes seemed to be in the borderland of counciousness.

"Wait a minute", he pleased and [Name] just couldn't refuse. She sat down again, observing the boy closely.

"Are you feeling worse? Should I call the nurse?", the girl asked worriedly, seeing that Akaashi was wobbling alarmingly.

"[Name]", Akaashi said and moved closer to her, "I...", he wanted to say something but suddenly he lost his balance. With closed eyes, he fell forwards, straight onto the girl who didn't have enough time to react.

Suddenly, the time stopped. It was just a mere second, but their lips touched. Next, the boy slumped back on the pillow, unconcious.

For a moment, [Name] didn't move, analysing what happened. Did they kiss? What was that? Akaashi fell on her and accidentialy touched her lips with his. Nothing else... Nothing...

But still, did it count as a kiss?

She felt her mind swirling, her cheeks getting warm and her eyes widening with a realisation.

They kissed.

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