Fourteen: Small gestures

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A week passed since [Name] and Akaashi confessed to each other. Even though none of them was bragging about their relationship, the rumours about it spread through the team with the speed of light. From that time it became their friends' routine to make friendly jibes about the couple and to observe their bashful reactions to them.

But the truth was that if it wasn't for the regular jokes nobody would realise that they were together. One could say that it was because they weren't into PDA* and preferred to act more romantically when being alone. But in fact, their relationship was just progressing really slowly. Even during their evening walks to the station nothing was happening. No matter how much they wanted to be close to each other, for some reason none of them was making the first move.

It was one of the evenings after the practice. Most of the boys had already left, but some third years were yet to finish packing up. [Name], on the other hand, was checking if everything was on its place - if the trolley with the balls was locked in the storeroom, if the net was coiled, and if all the lights were turned off. When she was sure that her job was done, she closed the gymnasium and headed towards the school gates where Akaashi was supposed to be waiting for her. Moving closer to the exit, she heard the voices of her teammates who were standing at the gates.

"Akaashi, are you coming for a ramen with us?", Konoha called out to the raven haired boy leaning on the wall.

"Leave him be. He's got better things to do with our manager", Akira jibed playfully.

The girl, who was standing in some distance from the group, blushed.

What do they think we're doing?, she asked in her thoughts, embarrassment overflowing her.

She turned her head to Akaashi to check his reaction to the boy's joke. But to her surprise, he still held his usual, indifferent expression. For some reason it made [Name] a little bit gloomy.

Right, we aren't doing anything, after all.

The girl waited until all the boys left, and only then she stepped closer to Akaashi.

As he saw her, he smiled lightly and put his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"Sorry to keep you waiting", [Name] apologised with an awry smile.

Their walk was rather silent, but it wasn't awkward. It was quite usual for them to enjoy their time alone without any words. This evening it gave [Name] some time to get her thoughts together.

Akaashi said he wanted to do many things with her, so why wasn't he making any moves? And what were those 'things', anyway? Was it only her who was so greedy? Maybe he didn't like the last time they kissed? Or he was shy? No, he was calm, but not shy. After all, he confessed to her and kissed her so it couldn't be a matter of shyness.

She peeked at the boy who was walking beside her with his eyes locked somewhere ahead. She suddenly felt incredibly antsy. She moved her eyes on his arm and gulped nervously. Slowly, she stretched her hand towards Akaashi. Lightly, she grabbed the material of his jacket somewhere on his forearm. It was just a touch, and yet, it made her heart speed up. Just a week ago, this small gesture would be almost imossible for her to make.

"[Name]?", Akaashi's surprised voice made her shiver as if she was being caught red handed.

She quickly moved her hand away and locked her eyes on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry, I wanted to... Um... I wanted...", she started fidgeting her fingers nervously. "I wanted to touch you...", she finally coughed up, red on her face.

She was waiting for his response, afraid to look him in the face. But instead of hearing his voice, she felt his hand touching hers.

"Eh?", she moved her eyes on her hand and saw Akaashi's bony fingers interlacing with hers. She looked up at the boy who's face was turned to the side so that she wouldn't be able to see his blush.

"Are you okay with this?", he asked.

[Name] was looking at him in silence, trying to hold back the squeal which was bottling up inside her.

"Yes", she replied with a wide smile.

*PDA - Public Displays of Affection

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