Two: After the practice

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"[Name]-chan, would you come and help us?", Bokuto's cheery voice stopped the girl passing by the third gymnasium™.

"Bokuto-san, if you call her like that she will feel uncomfortable", someone's scold came from behind the grey haired boy.

[Name] shrieked as she recognised the slightly monotonne voice. She immediately recalled yesterday's conversation with Shirofuku and stiffened, seeing the slim silhouette appearing from behind Bokuto.

"[Name], could you count points for us? We are going to play a three on three match", Akaashi explained.

The girl smiled awry and nodded. She stepped into the huge hall and bowed lightly to the rest of the boys waiting for her.

She was used to staying with them and helping out by passing the balls or counting the points, but now she felt more nervous than normally.

The boys divided into two teams with Hinata, Bokuto, and Akaashi on the one side and Kuroo, Tsukishima, and Lev on the second side. Even though everybody except Hinata was tall, there was a visible imbalance in the heights of the players. [Name] sat by the score board and put her legs under her. She observed the lively boys in silence, busy with the burden inside her head, which was accompanying her since yesterday's evening. What did she think of Akaashi as a boy? She always saw him as an amazing senpai and volleyball player; so amazing that nearly unreachable. How would she know if she liked him?

"Hey, hey, hey!", a loud exclamation woke her up form her thoughts.

"[Name], the points", Akaashi reminded her and she immediately turned to change the score, feeling her cheeks go slightly red with the embarrassment. She drifted away with her thoughts and forgot about the match. Just how lame she was?

She sighed, praying for this day to end already. She was definitely out of shape and she couldn't wait to just go to sleep.

"Um... If you don't hurry up, the dinner will be over", Shirofuku appeared in the door and stopped the game. The boys pouted but they agreed to continue the game the next day and quickly left the gymnasium.

[Name] wasn't hungry even though she hasn't eaten since the lunch time. She stood up slowly, not trying to catch up to her friends. Reluctantly, she left the place and as she turned towards the diner, she nearly jumped up seeing Akaashi leaning on the wall and waiting for her.

"Thank you for your help", the boy said when they were standing opposite to each other.

"It's nothing", the girl answered, locking her look on the ground.

"Is something bugging you?", he asked after a moment of silence. "You seem downbeat".

[Name] shivered. Was it that obvious?

"Nothing... In particular", she answered. She couldn't tell him about yesterday's game, anyways.

Akaashi raised an eyebrow, but he didn't inquire.

"I see. Let's go or the dinner will end".

With those words he turned around and took a step forward.

[Name] was sitting next to the score board, watching the match carefully. The same squad as yesterday was playing and [Name], of course, had to be a referee. But more than to the game, she was paying attention to the collected setter of the "Owls" team.

His moves, his slightly different expressions, his voice calling for either Hinata or Bokuto, she analysed all of that carefully, trying to figure out what was the feeling they gave her.

They were kind of hypnotizing. And by what she called "hypnotizing", she meant that she could stare at them for hours and it still wouln't be enough. But was that becuase he could change them surprisingly swiftly and out of nowhere? Or was that becuase it was particularly him?

But if they sent her shivers, it was nothing compared to the moment when their eyes where meeting for a split of second.

But again; was that because she didn't like to be observed, or because it was him who was looking at her?

"[Name] are you perhaps not feeling bad?", Akaashi walked up to her when the match was over and the boys left the gymnasium, resulting in the two of them being alone.

"I'm fine, really", the girl replied but she couldn't bring herself to sound convincing. Instead, she looked down confused. Why would the boy wonder about her? She was just an underclassman for him, after all.

"Hey, we're teammates, right? Tell me if something is worrying you. Don't you like being a manager? Are you tired?", he inquired and squatted in front of the girl, who was still sitting confounded.

"It's not that", she denied. She didn't want him to think that she didn't like being a part of the team. "Akaashi-san, do you-".

"AGHAAASHI! You'll be late for dinner if you don't hurry up!", the loud voice interrupted her.

They both jolted in surprise, and [Name] thanked god that she didn't have a chance to finish the question, for she would definitely regret it later on. How could she ask if Akaashi liked someone?

"I think we should go, [Name]", the boy stretched out his hand to her with a small smile. For a moment, [Name] stiffened for she's never seen him smiling from close up. It was pretty. She grasped his hand, and blushing at his strong grip and bony palm, she stood up. Akaashi headed towards the exit and she followed him slowly, trying to figure out if the madly beating heart was a sign of being in love.

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