Four: Mistake

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"Karasuno's manager is so pretty", Yamato exclaimed when all the boys finished showering and started preparing to sleep.

"I know, right?", Konoha nodded hastily. "But their first year manager is also cute".

"So you like them?", Onaga asked and they turned to him with surprised faces.

"Well, no, since we don't know them", Yamato replied, scratching the back of his head. "But it sure would be nice to have such a cute girlfriend".

"C'mon, you're talking as if our managers weren't good", Konoha knocked his friend with an elbow. "And we have three of them so we have advantage over Karasuno", he added.

"Well, they are good but none of them seems to be interested...", the boy explained with grim expression on his face.

"Hey, be careful, because one of them seems to be already a target for certain someone", his friend smiled slyly and turned to the boy who was sitting in the corner of the classroom and reading a volleyball magazine.

He looked up, feeling the pressure of his friends' eyes locked on him.

"Agshkhaaashi likes someone?!", Bokuto interjected, hearing the surprising news.*

"Calm down, Bokuto-san", Akaashi said with a monotone voice. "Who do I supposedly like?", he turned his head to his two older friends, the expression on his face being as indifferent as always.

Konoha opened his mouth ready to reply but his captain didn't give him a chance to do that.

"Wait, let me guess!", he exclaimed just as if he was in some kind of a quiz. He gripped his chin, a deep pensiveness drawing on his face. "Aghaashi, do you like older girls?", he asked.

"I don't like Shirofuku-san", the black haired boy replied and sighed. His expression was fully depicting the moment when one is completely done with everything.

"Then Kaori-chan?", he guessed once again, this time more warily, folding his arms.

"No...", Akaashi denied.

"So it has to be [Name]-chan!", Bokuto exclaimed, enlightened.

For a moment, Akaashi's eyes widened but his collected expression came back as fast as it disappeared. He moved his eyes to the side and tilted his head a little bit as a slight blush hued his cheeks.

"Is Akaashi... blushing?", Bokuto coughed up. None of the boys has ever seen their younger friend embarrassed, so it was quite a shocking view for them. A moment of silence followed, but was soon broken by the loud captain who just couldn't get one thing.

"Why don't you confess to her then?"

All of the teammates were too absorbed in gaping at the usually collected face of their friend to see how he clenched his fists hearing Bokuto's question.

He felt unusually annoyed but it wouldn't be him if he let the irritation overcome him and his voice. He could still feel [Name]'s fragile body shaking in his arms, crying her heart out because of her one sided feelings towards somebody. He sighed to calm down before answering:

"Because it would be useless".

Shakily, [Name] stepped into the depths of the dark corridor. It was already late evening, around eleven o'clock. But she didn't feel sleepy at all - quite the opposite. The tears she shed this night washed away any traces of exhaustion, leaving only the painful feeling of hopelessness.

Shuffling, she arrived at the entrance to the classroom where all the girls were probably sleeping by now.

She didn't want to go to rest, but she knew she should. Deep inside she hoped that during the sleep she would forget about all the moments when the boy sent butterflies to her stomach, and that she would have no memory of the awkward situation which has just happened.

But, on the other hand, those were the only memories in which they were so close to each other. The only ones she could hold on to and dream about while Akaashi would be happy with a cute girl who is not her. While he would fantasise about the stranger just as she would fantasise about him. While he would be kissing some girl and she would be only able to wish to be her.

If only he would be mean enough to push her away, maybe it would be better? Maybe it would be easier?

She sighed and quietly opened the door to the classroom, trying not to wake up her friends. But as soon as she peeked from the cranny, she realised that nobody was sleeping.

"[Name], how was it?", the excited squeaks of her friends bombarded her.

"W-What?", the girl coughed up, surprised.

"We've seen you and Akaashi from the window", Shirofuku explained, outshouting the rest of the girls.

[Name] felt a sudden wave of heat flowing on her face. Indeed, from the side it could have looked kind of ambiguously. Only now did she realise how close to Akaashi she was and it made her even more embarrassed. She clearly remembered the heat of his body, the firmness of his chest, and the way the material of his t-shirt felt in her hands. This made her happy and sad at the same time and suddenly she felt like crying once again. But she clenched her fists, trying to hold back the tears.

"It's not what you think it was"

"You don't have to be so embarrassed", Shirofuku smiled with disbelief.

"I said it's not like that", [Name] repeated strongly, so that all of the girls went quiet. "It's not...", she added and hardly overcame the grief which came with this sentence.

Without even looking at her surprised friends, she passed by them and bunked on her place, covering herself with a blanket.

*Sorry, Bokuto! ಥ_ಥ I still ship you with Akaashi, so don't mind!

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