Thirteen: Alone

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[Name] was the last girl who stayed in the changing room. Both Kaori and Shirofuku left quickly to give her some time to rest from the questions she was being drowned with. Right now, she was packing her bag, and slowly getting ready to leave. She looked around to check whether everything was on its place, and, seeing a perfect order, she took a step towards the door. As she opened them, a blow of cold air stroked her face, leaving a nice feeling of refreshment. She headed towards the school gates, diving into her thoughts.

So much happened this evening. She still couldn't believe in what happened between her and Akaashi. But at the same time she clearly remembered his every word, she could feel his every touch, she could see his slightly flushed face and the small smile he gave her. It all seemed so unreal, yet so substantial, it made her mind go crazy, and she was afraid it would eventually explode.

A giant squeal of happiness was bottling up inside her stomach, but, hopefully, she managed to keep it inside. As irrational as it may sound, she had an irresistible feeling that if she let her emotions out, everything which Akaashi said and done would turn out to be just a dream.

Suddenly, a different thought came to her mind. What did Akaashi's confession actually change between them? Were they together already? Or should there be something official? How should she behave around him from now on? Would something really change? She was always so absorbed in thinking about how to give up on him that she had never thought about what she really wanted from him. In an instance, she recalled Shirofuku's words.

Would you like to kiss Akaashi?

Right, being together meant that they would kiss from time to time. The sole idea of it made [Name] blush, but at the same time she felt a wave of excitement overflowing her. So she could touch him whenever she wanted to? She could look into his eyes for as long as she wished without being afraid that he might realise she liked him?

She drifted away so deep into her thoughts that she didn't even notice when she arrived at the school gates. Almost automatically, she turned to the path leading to the train station, and she would probably continue daydreaming if some voice hadn't stopped her.

"[Name], I've been waiting for you".

The girl nearly jumped, woken up from the reverie. She turned around and saw a raven haired boy leaning on the school's wall.

She immediately blushed.

"A-", she wanted to say something but she paused, confused. "Why?", she asked instead.

"From today on I will walk you to the station after every practice", Akaashi replied. "Do you not like it?", he asked.

[Name] quickly shook her head.

"No! I mean, I'd love to...", she abashed and looked on the ground. "You should have told me to hurry up", she pouted, suddenly feeling stupid for lagging behind.

"I don't mind waiting for you", he said squarely. "Shall we go?"

[Name] nodded and took a step towards the boy. For a while, they were walking in silence, both too absorbed in their buzzing thoughts to speak up. The girl was looking on the ground, trying to keep her composure. She couldn't get the image of Akaashi kissing her from her mind and it made her even more embarrassed. But at the same time she yearned for more from him. Was it okay? Did Akaashi feel the same? These questions couldn't leave her, and she finally spoke up.

"K-Keiji", her quiet stumble made the boy look at her.

A light blush flew on his cheeks as he heard his name. He smiled seeing that [Name]'s face was even more flushed than his.

"Yes?", he replied.

"So you like me...", she mumbled under her breath.

Akaashi felt a new wave of heat overflowing him.

"Yes", he answered, turning his head to the side to hide his embarrassment.

"And I-I also l-like you...", the girl continued. "So what does it change between us?", she finally coughed up.

"What do you mean?", the boy raised his eyebrow.

"I-I mean...", [Name] abashed. "H-How did you imagine us as a couple? What was I doing? What am I supposed to do? What do you want to do?", she inquired.

Akaashi widened his eyes, recalling all of his fantasies about her. He blushed madly and moved his eyes on the side. Some of his visions were just too explicit to tell her about them. And they didn't end on kissing only, to be precise.

"I've already done something I wanted to do", he replied, looking on the side to keep his composure.

The girl was gazing at him blankly.

"What did you do?", she asked, clueless.

"I kissed you, did you forget already?", he replied.

They stepped on the platform of the train station in silence. [Name] moved her head on the side, too embarrassed to look Akaashi in the eyes.

"B-But does it satisfy you?", she coughed up after a while.

The boy turned to her, surprised.


[Name] fidgeted nervously before answering.

"Does a one simple kiss satisfy you?", she explained. If this was all he wanted, then she had to be a pervert.

Akaashi remained silent for a while, gaping at [Name] with widely opened eyes. Did this innocent, pure girl just ask about his dirty, deeply hidden desires? Did it mean that she also thought about these kinds of things?

"If it comes to me, I... Well, there's a whole ton of things I want to do with you", he fessed up, avoiding the girl's inquiring look.

The hum of the approaching train broke the awkward silence which arose between the two of them. Their eyes were locked on the ground, and they both were trying to keep their cool despite their burning red cheeks. As the train stopped and the doors opened, [Name] got in and turned around to say goodbye to Akaashi. He looked at her, still ashamed of his words. But her shy smile somehow made him more confident.

"I... Also want to do much more with you, Keji", she said and the doors closed.

The train departed, leaving the madly blushing boy behind.

"So much more", he sighed.

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