Eleven: For real

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The whole gymnasium went quiet. Everybody's heads slowly turned to the pair standing by the bench, surprise written on their faces. It was hard to say what was more shocking: [Name]'s unnaturally loud voice or Akaashi's rarely seen dumbfounded expression. Even those who had no idea about what was going on between these two, could easily notice that something was definitely wrong. Whereas the frozen girls, who could guess that [Name] just confessed to Akaashi, were gaping at their friend in astonishment. It was a confession so why did [Name] look like crying?

"[Name], I-", Akaashi finally spoke up.

"Never...", the girl cut him off quietly. Her eyes were covered by her fringe, but it wasn't hard to guess that she was red on her face and probably on the very verge of crying. Her shaking body was telling that. It was also telling that she was prepared to leave the hall in a moment. "Never touch upon what I just said, remember?", she said and took a step towards the exit.

She didn't even peek at the confused boy while she was passing by him. She also didn't look at her shocked and slightly balled up teammated gathered next to the entrance. Right now only one thing was going through her mind.

She wanted the ground to open up.

With the moment she overstepped the doorway, her pace speeded up, turning into the run. Why? Why did she go and said that? Just how stupid she was? Now, not only would she feel embarrassed everytime she would appear on the practice, but also, she wouldn't be able to talk to Akaashi as she did before.

She ran towards the entrance of the school's main building. As she passed the doors, her pace slowed down. Too exhausted to go any further, she sat under the wall of the hallway. It was empty for the club activities had already started and every student was in some classroom. She was alone.

"Akaashi, what-", Shirofuku's worried voice woke up the dumbfounded boy, who was still processing [Name]'s words.

"Please tell the coach I'll be late", he cut his manager off, and passed by her, heading towards the exit.

Leaving the team slightly confused, he ran towards the school's main building. He could see [Name] running in its direction surprisingly fast.

As he entered the school, it didn't take him long to find the girl. A silent sobbing led him to the place in the hallway where [Name] was sitting hunched, with her head hidden between her knees.

Somehow, this view was resembling the one from the training camp when he saw [Name] crying after the three on three match.

But this time it was different. This time he knew because of whom she was crying and he also knew what they both wanted.

"[Name], please, listen to me", Akaashi squatted in front of [Name]. His expression came back to normal, only his furrowed eyebrows could show a trace of some concern.

"I told you not to touch upon it!", the girl replied, not minding to look at the boy.

"But I can't leave it like that!", Akaashi refused to leave the subject be. He looked on the side, and started fidgeting his fingers nervously. "[Name], I-"

"No! Don't! Don't say it! I don't want to hear this! I know! I know you want to reject me!", [Name] squealed, covering her ears with her hands and shutting her eyes. Right now she was just desperate; she didn't want to hear Akaashi's apologises nor to see his indulgent face. She didn't want to have her heart broken even more than it was now.

"If you don't listen to me, I'll have to show you what I want to say", Akaashi alarmed, but the girl only shook her head and tightened her eyes even harder.

"I don't care! I don't want to hear your rejection!", she squealed.

The boy sighed and gripped her wrists. A light blush flew onto his cheeks as he moved forward. Slowly, very slowly, he was closing the gap between their faces. [Name] opened her eyes to see what was happening and as she realised that Akaashi's face was centimetres from hers, she nearly jumped up in shock.

"A-Akaashi-san, what are you-", she stumbled feeling her heart speed up as the boy was moving closer and closer.

"It's too late", Akaashi interrupted her. Seriously, there was no chance of him stopping right now. [Name]'s crying, blushing face was just too much for him to handle. And now, as he knew she liked him, there was nothing holding him back.

When their noses touched, a shiver went down the girl's spine. She shut her eyes once again, trying to endure the pressure between the two of them, and this clutching feeling of excitement mixed with anxiety in her chest.

"Akaashi-", she wated to say something but the boy's warm, dry lips cut her off.

She raised her shoulders and tightened her eyes, feeling the great wave of heat overflowing her. Good thing she was sitting, because otherwise she would definitely collapse. Her whole body felt weak, and at the same time she felt unnaturally light. It seemed that all her thoughts and doubts washed away, leaving only a nice feeling of emptiness.

Akaashi's body... Was so warm...

He was just sucking her upper lip but it was enough for [Name] to become a blushing, shaking mess.

As the boy pulled back, she couldn't help but gape at him in surprise. But as soon as she realised that they had kissed, she was no longer able to look him in the eyes. She quickly moved her eyes on the ground, holding back from peeping from happiness and embarrassment.

As she was piercing the floor with her widely opened eyes, she felt a warm, bony hand resting on her wet cheek.

Reluctantly, she looked up to see Akaashi's slightly flushed face and his eyes locked on hers.

"I wanted to tell you this after our three on three match on the training camp", he said, "but I saw you crying. And you said that there was somebody you liked. But if it's me, I can finally tell you. I like you, [Name]".


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