Three: Only You

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"[Name]-chan, how are things going with Akaashi?", Shirofuku asked, breaking the silence in the room. All of the girls, even those who seemed to be sleeping, turned their heads to the girl sitting in the corner, whose face was becoming progressively red. She looked around rapidly and put her legs under her, feeling the need to shrink under the pressure that arose with the question.

"Actually, I've been wondering... H-How can I know if I like him?", she replied quietly, avoiding the inquiring looks of her friends.

"Hm?", Shirofuku didn't understand the question.

"I-I know that he's handsome and that he's nice and intelligent, but how do I know that I like him as a boy?", [Name] muttered, embarrassed by her own words.

"I guess when you like someone you want to do certain things with him, right?", her friend explained with a smile, but the girl didn't seem to catch on what she meant.

"What kind of things?", she asked warily.

"Geez, you're so innocent", Shirofuku sighed to which [Name] blushed. "Imagine that you're kissing".

[Name] widened her eyes and in a split of second her face turned red.

"W-What?", she coughed up.

"Oh, they would look nice", Kaori commented.

"So cute", Miyanoshita added.

"Do you like it? Would you like to kiss Akaashi?", Shirofuku asked with a sly tone, just as if she already knew the answer.

[Name] looked around once again, and seeing the cunning faces of her friends with their eyes locked on her, she hid her face in her hands, unable to stand a pressure and the awareness of the fact that everybody was probably imagining her kissing with Akaashi.

"I-I l-like it...", the girl mumbled under her breath after a while.

"Then it means that you like him", Shirofuku summed up and the rest of the girls nodded approvingly.

"Give it your all, [Name]-chan!", Yachi cheered and some other girls accompanied her.

"W-What? What am I supposed to do?", [Name] looked around, confused.

"Aren't you going to confess to him?", Kaori who was sitting next to her asked, surprised.

"Never!", [Name] denied without even thinking about it. She was too afraid of rejection to tell Akaashi about her feelings.

"But-", her friend pouted and wanted to say something, but [Name] interrupted her.

"I'm going to the toilet", she said and stood up falteringly.

Even though she said that, she didn't head to the bathroom. Instead, she stepped towards the exit, where she could have some fresh air.

So she liked him, huh? How long has it been this way? Even though she was sure he didn't like her the same way she did, she felt kind of happy.

Did she?

Walking through the yard, her pace was bogging down, until she finally stopped and leaned on the wall of one of the gymnasiums.

She was happy, definitely happy.

So why did she feel like crying?

With her fringe covering her eyes, she let herself slump and squatted on the ground, hiding her face in her hands.

The tears started flowing from her eyes uncontrollably.

Somehow the image of Akaashi was painful for her.

He didn't like her, it was obvious for her. He was older and he didn't seem to be interested in her. Well, yeah, he was nice but that was only because he was a good senpai, nothing else. What was the point of liking him if she couldn't have him, after all?

She didn't know how long she was sitting in this position until she heard a voice coming from above her. She felt a painful sting on her heart as she recognized it.


She didn't look up, for she didn't want to show her teary face to Akaashi. How would she explain it to him? 'I'm sorry but I was just thinking about how I want to have you but I can't'? No, he couldn't see her in this state.

"[Name], what are you doing here?", Akaashi asked, a worry hueing his voice.

"Akaashi...", she sobbed quietly, not able to say anything else. Those words sounded like a call for help.

The boy widened his eyes, realising that the girl was crying.

He squatted in front of her and grabbed her hand with which she was hiding her face. He wanted to uncover it, but the girl resisted his pull.

"No! Don't look at me", she said with a breaking voice.

"[Name], what happen-", he asked, but he didn't finish as he felt a sudden push and nearly lost his balance and had to brace himself with his hands on the ground. He looked at the girl kneeling between his spread legs*, gripping his navy blue t-shirt with shaky hands. Her face was pushing against his firm chest and he felt her warm tears soaking in the material.

A little bit confused, he said:


"Akaashi, I'm sorry", the girl sobbed. "Can I stay like this for a while?", she asked but was ready to be pushed away by the boy. Why would he let her breach his private zone?

But to her suprise, nothing like this happened.

"Okay", she heard instead. She widened her eyes and smiled a little bit happy that Akaashi agreed to stay in this awkward position. She was aware that it was probably her only chance to be this close to him, and maybe this was the reason for which she asked:

"Akaashi, do you like someone?"

She felt the shiver going down the boy's spine.

Ah, so he liked someone... Yeah, she should have expected that. It was normal for a boy in his age to have a crush, right? She grasped his t-shirt even tighter than before. She didn't want to give anybody a chance to be as close to him as she was now. And the vision of that made her even more broken.

"Yeah...", Akaashi replied after a moment of silence. His tone was different. Maybe a little bit shy? She wanted to see his face. Was he blushing? No, she couldn't look up; even she didn't know what her face was looking like right now, when she knew that Akaashi already liked someone.

"I see...", she said, nearly whispering. So she really didn't have any chance...

"Are you... Are you sad because you like someone too?", the boy asked warily.

Damn, he was too nice.

The girl nodded.


"Did he reject you?", he inquired.

"No...", [Name] replied. "But he likes someone different", she added and clenched her teeth.

"You shouldn't worry", Akaashi said and [Name] widened her eyes. "You're a nice girl, I bet many boys dream about you being their girlfriend", he tried to console her.

A moment of silence followed until [Name] broke it:

"But... I want only him".

*sorry, I had no idea how to describe it in a different way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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