College, Friends, Parties, and... Boyfriends? Chapter 1

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ok, just so ya no, none of this story is edited, and the girl the the right is Emilee! yeah, so bye! hope u like!


College, Friends, Parties and.... Boyfriends?

Chapter 1

In Emilee's P.O.V.

I looked around at my clean room. Ususally it was a dirty mess, but today it was 2010 and I was going to the Golden Gate University in San Francisco, California. I wanted to be a fashion designer, because I to make a style of clothes that wern't preppy, but they also wern't emo. They would be a mixture of both.

I put the last of my clothes in the suit case and zipped in up. Then I looked over to my nightstand and saw a picture of me and Dayton Robertson, my dead best friend and the man that I loved. Dayton had died two years ago, and he was a ghost for a couple of weeks until his mom was put into Rehab then he dissappeared into the light. Carolyn, Daytons mom, got out of Rehab in 2009. My mom and I had taken care of her kids while she was in.

I put the picture in the suitcase and zipped it up. Then, I ran down the stairs, suitcases in arms, and ran into the kitchen. "Mom!" I yelled. "Come on. I need to leav o else I'm going to miss my flight!" My mom ran into the room and hugged me.

Mom was wearing pink dress that had flowers all over it and some red flip flops. Mom weighed about 150- 200 pounds, so she was a big girl. But she was really pretty. She had brown hair that was tied up into a bun and she had blue eyes. Her nose was kinda big, and she needed to pluck her eye browns, but I thought she was pretty.

"Okay, be safe and don't go to to much parties, okay?" I nodded, hugged and kissed her and, and walked out the door.

I got in my black car and drove to Carolyn's house. They had gotten a bigger house since their other one, and it was much nicer and cleaner. I knocked on the door and Daytons little brother, Jonah answered the door and as soon as he saw me, he leaped into my arms and hugged me.

Jonah and I had gotten really close when his siblings and him came to stay at my place, and so we were practicly best friends. I know, how could I become best friends with a seven year old? Well, first of all, I could tell him anything because he wasn't a snitch. And he wouldd only tell if someone paid him a large amout of money, like more than forty dollars. And, second of all, he reminded me so much of Dayton. He was Daytons only /real / brother, besides George, Daytons brother that had drownd. All of the other kids were Dayton half sisters/ brothers.

"Emilee! How are you?! Are you going to come to my birthday in March of next year?"

"And why would I do that, Jonah?" I asked, wondering about what he would say.

His eyes narrowed. "Because I'll tell one of your secrets if you don't!"

I fake gasped. "That, my boy, is called blackmail, and it's illegal. Sorry." I laughed. "But of course I'll come! I wouldn't miss it for the world." I hugged him once mopre then set him down by two of his sisters, Feebee and Katelin, who were playing the game Trouble.

I hugged Feebee and Katelin, then I ran over to Johnathan, Anni, and Belle, who were playing Booger Man on the Sega. I quickly hugged then, trying not to disrupt their game, then ran into the kitchen to saw bye to Marcha and Carolyn. They were both eating french toast. I hugged Marcha first, because she was closest. But then I hugged Carolyn for about a minute.

Carolyn used to be on meth, so she used to be really skinny. She still is now. She only weighs about 114lbs. Thats really skinny. I weigh about 125lbs.

Carolyn is really pretty. Well, since she quit the meth she is. Her redish hair is always down, hanging low by her shoulders. Her green eyes remind me of a cat. She has thin lips, and you can really see her cheek bones.

"Bye, Carolyn." I said. Then Carolyn made the kids stop whatever they were doing and give me a great big group hug.

Afterwards, Jonah and Carolyn walked me to my car, and I drove off to Skye's house.

I knocked on the door and Abbi and Skye's grandma, Meimei, answered the door. "Hey, Meimei!" I laughed and hugged her.

"Oh, hello, Emilee. Skye, Abii, and Trayton are in the bedroom, Go on."

"Bye, Meimei!" I an into the bed room and opened the door without knocking. Trayton and Skye were on the bed making out and Abbi was on the floor playing Wario on the Wii. "Achem." I fake coughed. All three pairs of eyes looked up at me.

When I looked at Trayton, there was a pang in my chest that never goes away. Trayton used to my my arranged marrage husband. No, I didn't love him, but I almost had sex with him. He was a great kisser. But then again, so was Dayton. Traytons hair was a dirty blonde and he had brown eyes. He had an amazing six-pack.

Skyes hair was black with a streak of blonde. Her hair is origionaly brown, but she hates brown so she died it when she first got the chance. she has blue eyes. Abii looks exaactly like her, except Abii had brown hair and Abii's really preppy. Skye is "goth."

Then stopped what they were doing, jumped up, and hugged me. I soon fell to the ground because they wouldn't get off.

"Guys! Get off!" They got off, and I huffed. "Okay. Now. I'm here to say bye real quick,l then I have to go to the airport, or else I'm going to miss my flight. Now, Good-bye!" I hugged Skye, then Abbi, then Trayton. Trayton's hug was a little longer than I wanted, but I hugged him back.

I said bye, then got into the car and drove to the air-port.


I was now on the plane.

"Do you want me to get you a bagel?" This old man next to me asked.

"No, thank you." I said politely.

"What's your name?"

"Uh... Gina." I quickly made up a fake name.

"How old are you, Gina?" The old man touched my arm and scooted towards me as far as possible.

"Uh... 17." I made up a fake age. I was really 18.

"That's a greaaaaate age!" He laughed and touched my shoulder.

"Yeah.... Um, sir?" I asked the 40 year old guy.

"Um..." I wiped his hair back. "Call me Gladdieus." He batted his eyelashes, and I tried not to barf.

"Ok. Um what seat number is this?" I asked, hoping that I got the wrong seat.

"Oh, this is seat 4A so your seat would be 5A." I looked down at my ticket. YES!!!!

"Ma'am?" I called to a flight attendant that was walking near me. She stopped walking. "Could you tell me where B4 is?" The lady nodded and showed me to B4. I carried my suitcases to the seat. Once I put my suit cases in the cubbie above the seats, I sat down and closed my eyes.

"God." I said outloud. "That old man will give me nightmares!"

"What old man?" A manculine voice asked me.

I opened my eyes, and saw the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen in my life.


ok, first chapter up! Tell me what you think! Vote, Comment, Become a fan!!!

-alexis rene

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