College, Friends, Parties, and... Boyfriends? Chapter 5 *Kameron's P.O.V.*

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Chapter 5

In Kameron's P.O.V.

I put on a hoodie and ran into the living room. I swiped all the things off of the coffee table and put it into a cardboard box. I shoved the box into the closet and sat on my Lay-Z-Bot chair and turned on the Playstation. I was putting in Sims Bustin' Out when my room mate, Dalton Trippley came into the room. He scowled and shook his head.

"Where did you put my gameboy?! It was sitting right there on the coffee table!"

"Box in the closet." I answered and continued playing. Dalton sat next to me and was playing Donkey Kong on the gameboy. Then he looked at the T.V. and looked at me weird.

"Dude. You're nervous. Why are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous. Why would you say that?" ACtually, I was so nervous it felt like I was going to blow up. Like my chest was going to explode.

"Dude... You're playing Sims Bustin' Out. You, like, hardly ever play this unless you're really nevous. Now tell me why."

"I-" The doorbell rang, interupting my sentance.

"I'll get it. Stay right there, though." Dalton put his gameboy down and went to answer the door. I heard him open the door and say, "Oh. Youuuuu're why Kameron is nervous!" I heard Emilee chuckle uncomfortably.

They walked into the living room. Emilee pulled her hood down and smiled at me. "Hey."

"Hey, Emilee."

Dalton was watching me in shock. "Um, person, I need to talk to my friend here. Go ahead, sit down. Get comfy. You can even play one of our video games." I pushed pause on the game and walked into the kitchen with Dalton. "Dude! Why didn't you tell me you had a girl?! Have you gotten laid yet?"

"Dude, Dalton! Shut the Hell up! She's not mine! She's- she's Matt's, okay? No, I havn't had sex with her yet and no, I'm not going to!"

"Matt's as is Matt Olivera? And you like her?! Shit, that's not good!"

"No! I- I don't li- okay, she's hot, and like, my only friend besides you, and yeah." Dalton gave me the 'Tell The Truth' look. "Ugh! Okay fine. I like her a little bit, okay?"

"I knew it!" Dalton jumped up and down. I clamed him by smacking him.

"Shut up. And don't tell!" I walked into the other room and heard Emilee push resume on the game. Crap, did she hear? I sat down next to her and watched her move around the character. She made some food and then killed a person. she paused the game.

"Can I see your room?" She asked.

"Yeah." Dalton answered, laughing. Emilee gave him a confused look. "Oh, well, he thinks you're hott."

"Dalton?! What the Hell!" I was peaved.

"What?! You weren't ever going to tell her!" Dalton pushed play on his gameboy.

"God." I led Emilee into my poster covered room. She grinned when she saw my Nirvana poster.

"I love Kurt Cobain." She put her hand over her chest and looked down at her shirt. It was a Nirvana shirt, but it only had Kurt Cobain on it. Then there was a little paragraph about him beside the picture.

"Oh. Um... Well, here." I opened the closet door and rummaged through it. I found what I was looking for and pulled it out. "It's kind of like, wrinkled, but, here." She unrolled the poster and grinned. It was a shirt of Kurt Cobain and then it had a quote that he said "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." "I no it's a little big, but I don't really want it anymore." I said, and she smiled and jumped on me.

"Thank you..." She kissed my cheek and then I felt the blood rush to my face. I hugged her back. "Um, you know how there's a big party on Friday? Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" I set her down and put a shocked look on my face. "Oh, um. You don't have to go.... I was just asking..." She mumbled.

"Well, I would, but I'm not really the partying type, ya know? Plus, I don't really think people would want me at their party."

"Of course they would!" She scoffed.


"Because they host of that party is me, Julie, and Regina. They're my room mates. So, today is Monday, so the party is in like, four days. Gunna be there?"

"Maybe." She nodded.

"Well, if you decide to come, then call me and I'll give you directions and stuff." She took a pen and a peice of paper out of her ourse and wrote down a cell phone number. "That's my cell phone. But if I'm not answering that then you can call This number..." She wrote down another number. "Call that and someone will answer. Just ask for me. Well, I've got to go. Show me to the door?" I nodded and did exactly what she asked.

She walked out with her hood up. "Emilee?" She turned and I was about to tell her that she looked hott in that hoodie, but I didn't. "Um... What color did you paint your room?" She smiled at me.

"All. All the colors of the rainbow." She hugged me and kissed my cheek. I blushed again and my stomach got all warm and fuzzy.

She walked across the street and went into her house. I still had butterflies in my stomch.

But they instantly went away when I saw Matt Olivera and his two buddies, Kaleb and Ryan walk onto the sidewalk that lead to my house.

"Hey, Krypt. Don't go inside. Just stay. I need to talk to you." Matt walked up to me and glared at me. "Stay the Hell away from Emilee, got it?!" He shoved me up again the house. "Got it?!" I nodded. "Good." Goys, go home. Pick me up when I call you." Matt went across the street to Emilee's house. I saw him walk inside and then I looked at Emilee through a window. She was on the computer. Matt came up behind her and put his hands over her eyes. Then he swirled her chair to where she was facing him, still covering her eyes. Her kissed her. Then his eyes wandered to me, and he closedd the blinds, to where I could see no more.

I walked inside the house and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes because I felt someone breatheing on my face. I opened my eyes and saw Emilee in a black robe, laying next to me. Then she lent down and kissed me. During the kiss she untied her robe, leaving her naked. "Emilee." I moaned.

"Kameron! Kameron, wake up!"

I shot up in my bed and saw that it was only a dream. "Kameron, wake up and stop having wet dreams about Emilee!"

"Ugh! Leave me alone!" I got ready, and I knew that today would be just another day in Hell. Emilee would never like me. Emilee would never be mine. She's Matts.


okay, okay. i lied. I'm sorry. lie: chapter five will be sooo much better. actual truth: chapter five was just as boring as chapter 4.

so, im sorry. but the chapter where they go to the party will be so much better! i promise. so, did ya like it? oh, and pleeze read my story, "My Dream Boyfriend... Not In My Fathers Eyes...." im going to post chapter 2 to it tonight! hope u like/liked!

-Alexis Rene

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