College, Friends, Parties, and... Boyfriends? Chapter 9 *important message!*

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hello great people of wattpad. I know I havn't uploaded in over a month. and im so sorry. but, I do have reasons, thats aren't just excuses. First, my great grandmother is dying. I've known for a couple weeks, and she doesn't have that long, so im trying to spend all the time with her that I can. second, school. i have so much homework. i hate it. So, I am truly sorry.

This chapter is dedicated to a girl named Sarah, and on Wattpad, I think her user name is KittySuicide

you may be wondering why im dedicating this chapter to her. Well, because one, shes a fan. and two, because she was the first one who emailed me about my stories. So, thank you sarah(:

if you want a chapter dedicated to you, then email me, and on every chapter you will be mentioned, and it just might be dedicated to you, too. Email me at:

oh, and will someone please take the time to make me a banner? because i defiantly need a new cover. iot would mean a BUNCH(:

thank you for taking the time to read this. i hope you like the chapter!(:

full of love and thanks,

alexis rene xoxoxoxoxo


Chapter 9

Kameron's P.O.V.

Dalton, Matt, Becky, and I were in the car driving to Emilee's hometown, Belton, Missouri. Right now we were in Blue Springs, which was about ten to fifteen minutes away from her hometown.

Matt kept having to get out of the car to barf. Becky says that it's from all of the guilt, bt I don't think so.

When Matt was puking on the side of the road, his phone rang. Me and Becky looked at each other competively, then grabbed the phone. My hand had the phone. She tried to snatch it from me, but I wouldn't let her, so she dug her nails into my arm, and so I gasped and dropped the phone. She smiled at me in victory, and answered the phone in a high pitched "Hello?" There was silence. "Who is it? Video Girl? You're Video Girl? Well, Right now, Matt is puking on the side of the road because of you. Do you know how guilty you made him? Do you know how horrible he feels? Do you know how horrible you made him feel?" There was a longer silence this time. And then I let the breath out that I hadn't even known that I was holding. ""Fine... Matt. 'Video Girl' is on the phone." Stacey held out her hand for Matt to take the phone.

Matt wiped his mouth and eagerly ran over to the van. He put the phone up to his ear. "Emilee?! Omigod! I'm so so-" He stopped abruptly, and there was a silence. Then he started talking again. "Emilee, I am so sorry. You have no idea! I....... No, not yet. It's my turn to talk. Emilee, don't kill yourself. Please don't." Matt frowned, then said "She's at her grandma's house."

I heard Emilee's loud voice yelling: "NO! No, I'm not."

"Okay, then where are you?"

"I forgive you!" I once again heard Emilee yell, and Matt teared up. And he dropped the phone, running out of the van so he didn't puke on the carpet.

"I told you it was because of guilt." Becky said, her voice smug.

I turned around and looked at her angrily. "She doesn't mean anything to you, does she? You're just her because you have some creepy crush on me. Isn't that right, you freaking Bit-"

"Hey!" Dalton yelled. "Kam. Calm down, man. Take a chill pill. Go get some fresh air. I'll call you when Matt is done puking." Dalton nodded, and I took a deep breath, and looked at Becky. She was on the verge of tears.

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