College, Friends, Parties, and... Boyfriends? Chapter 7 *two other p.o.v.'s*

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okay, I know that i havn't uploaded in like, EVER! n i dont really have an excuse besides the fact that I was dealing with my sister, who just had her baby a week ago. I've been dealing with my neice, Hayden. And I just didn't feel like writing, but I'll get back into the mode soon, I promise. hope u like it, even tho its pretty much a filler until the ending...


Chapter 7

Matt Olivera's P.O.V.

I walked out of Emilee's house holding the camcorder. Damn, I thought. This girl can make me hard in a second!

I got into my car and clamed myself down. I can't believe she kissed me back! On Monday, by lunch, Kameron will be out of the picture and it will be just me and Emilee. I smiled and drove out of this place. I lived two streets down, in my buddie Ryan's house. Kaleb lives with us too, along with Louis. We don't really hang out with him; he's in a different crowd than us.

I drove to our house and went inside. Ryan and Kaleb were passed out on the couches, and louis was sleeping on the Lay-Z-Boy recliner. I shook my head and went into my room, and locked the door. I caved into my bed, put my headphones that plugged into my ipod in mmy ears, and turned on one of my favorite song Everything by Michael Buble. I soon fell asleep.

~*~ ~*~


I woke up, and wiped the sleep from my eyes. I groaned, then smiled. Emilee would be mine today. I smiled at the thought and got ready for school.

I got into my car and drove to college, smiling the whole way.

It was now lunch, and Ryan had gotten the teachers out of the office, so I wouldn't get caught. I quickly but quietly turned out the intercom and spoke into it. "Everyone, report to the autitorium immediantly."

Then I ran to the Autitorium. And quickly but the DVD into the computer. Then people started filing through the doors of the autitorium. I pushed play on the computer and the weird thing hanging from the ceiling (forgot what its called) started playing the tape. It showed Emilee and I making out against her wall. It went on for a long 20 seconds, and I stopped it right before she said "Dayton" Whoever that asshole was.

And then Emilee came into the room, with her backpack slung over her shoulder, leaning again the door frame, watching the screen with a shocked face. Kameron turned to look at her with a sad expression on his face. I saw her whisper something, and then Kameron ran out of the room.

A great big smiled appeared on my face. She walked onto the stage where I was standing and looked at me. Just looked at me, with tears coming out of her eyes.

She then opened her mouth to talk.

And her loud words shocked me.

"Are you such a fucking stupid ASSHOLE that you think that when you post this shit, and Kameron calls me a filthy bitch, that I'm going to come to you, wanting you? ARE YOU?!" She slapped me then took the DVD out of the computer and snapped it in half. "I hate, and I mean HATE, you, Matt Olivera. You have ruined my life, even though it has already been ruined enough. And not just by you. You're scum, Matt. You are peice of shit. But because you're so popular, you deny it. You just think that everybody likes you. That everybody wants you. Well, guess what? You're wrong.

"Have you ever thought about anybody else's feelings but your own? Have you? Have you ever thought about how the way you treat girls is wrong? Have you ever took the time and thought about all the things that you done wrong? Have you?" She yelled all of it but the last two words. She whispered the last two words.

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