College, Friends, Parties, and... Boyfriends? Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Kameron's P.O.V.

I walked down to The BMM, and walked inside. Old Friends greeted me instantly. I nodded and kept walking. I finaly found Carlos and Manuel, sitting down at the bar, drinking a can Old English. I tapped on Carlos' shoulder. He turned and his eyes went wide.

"Kameron? Is it truely you?" Carlos grabbed my cheeks, then hugged me. "Long time no see, Brother."

I nodded, and let go of him. "Can we talk? In private?" His face froze, just for a milisecond, then he quickly covered it up with a smile.

"Sure. C'mon." He patted my shoulder, and grabbed his beer. He started walking towards the back. "You want to talk to The Boss, too?" He was probably in the death of Emilee too, so I nodded.

Carlos knocked on the door. I heard a faint "Come in."

Carlos opened the door, and we both walked inside.

The Boss turned his chair, and his eyes went wide. "Kameron. Kameron, my boy." He smiled so wide as he stood up and hugged me. I hugged him back. "Why? Why are you here? Is it because you picked up the facts? Is it because you found out about your daughte-"

"My what? No. I'm here because we need to talk, Rafael. You and Carlos killed my best friend."

"Well good. Because now it's even. You killed my sister." That last sentance stung. Badly.

"CArlos, you know that I didn't kill Nina," Who was I kidding? Even I had a hard time persuading myself that I didn't kill her.

"I know. I'm sorry, Kameron." Carlos looked down.

"Who was she, Kameron?" Rafael asked me.

"Her name was Emilee Morganstern. She came in here disguised as Reece Robertson. You killed her yesterday." Realization came onto both of their faces.

"Kameron, I'm sorry. I didn't realise," Rafael said, voice thick with sympathy. "If we had know, we wouldn't have done anything to hurt her. But, you know how buisness goes, we do anything for money. We are really in need of money because oof my grand daughter, and just for the family." He showed me a sly smile, like he was hinting something.

"So, you have a granddaughter?" I asked him, and his smile got bigger.

"Yes. She's so beautiful." He reached into his desk and pulled out a picture. I smiled at the little girl that looked about 5 or 6 who was sitting on a swing, smiling brightly. My heart clenched. This brought back so many memories...

I pushed the terrible memories away.

"Okay, well, I just came to tell you guys that, and warn you. The police might come looking for you guys." They nodded, looking dissapointed about something. "Well, I'm going to go. See you guys in the future, maybe." I nodded at them both, and walked out the door.

I walked back to my car, feeling sad. I hated seeing them, Carlos and Rafael. They made me think so much of my past, and how it was all my fault that Nina had died. I felt tears push their way out of my eyes, and before I knew it, I was crying, full on. I hated how much I missed Nina. The heartache, when I thought about her, was unbearable. It should have been me who died. After all, they were coming for me, not her...

No! I yelled at myself. Stop thinking! Just fucking stop thinking about your past!

I wiped away the sticky tears and started the car.

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