College, Friends, Parties, and... Boyfriends? Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I walked down the hall, pushing through crowds of people, trying to make it to my first class, sewing. I hated sewing! I used to love it when I was little, and I even taught Jamie how to sew. It was our little thing that we would do between four and five o'clock P.M. But after Jamie died I never wanted to sew again.

I ran into the sewing room and put my hand on my chest. I was breatheing hard. I went up to the teacher. "Hello, My name's Emilee Morganstern. This is sewing, right?" She nodded. "Okay, good. I don't think that I'll be able to go through that crazy crown of people again." I laughed.

The teacher glared at me. "Well. You'll have to go through that crazy crown of people..." She looked down at her clipboard, and flipped some pages. "Five more times, now won't you. Just sit down right in that seat in the first row right now and don't say a word." She looked back down at her papers and her old lady glasses slid farther down her nose.

I grabbed the collar of her shirt and some of the brown greasy stuff that she called hair and pulled her forward. Her face was only inches away from mine. "Bitch, do we have a fucking problem?!" I starred her down.

"N-n-n-no. No, Miss Morganstern. Please, sit down where ever you'd like to sit at." She stammered. I smiled and let go of her collar.

"Good, and thanks." I pranced off to sit in the last seat in the very back row. Soon people started filing through the room.

"Okay, class. Calm down now. since today is the first day there will be no assigned seat, but tomorrow there will be. I would like everyone to state their names and what you want your occupation to be, since there are some new people. Now, lets start with me. My name is Cassandra Briant. You will call me Mrs.Briant, or Mrs.B. When I was in collage, I wanted to be a model."

"You don't to go to college to be a model!" Someone in the front yelled.

"Wait, so what happened?" I asked, suddenly very interested.

"Well, I fell in love." her eyes flickered to the picture on her desk. There was a chorus of "Ewwwwws!" and "Awwwww!"

"So... What happened to him?" There had to be a catch.

"Nothing. I am happily married to him still today. Our anniversary is on November 6th. We've been married for eighteen years." Mrs.Briant smiled and blushed. "That so sweet. You're still head over heels for him, huh?" She nodded and covered her face. Wow. I laughed in my mind. I never knew that I could make an old lady that I hate blush so much. Well, Maybe she wasn't so bad.... "Well, have you ever regretted not becoming a model?" I questioned.

Her face became serious. "No. Not once, because I'm happy with being a teacher." She looked around and picked a guy. "Your next, sir."

We went around in a circle, everybody saying their names and what they want to be.

Afterwards, we talked about how to sew and the basics, how to put the string through the needle and how to make the string in the needle.

The bell rang and I walked happily to my next class, art. I was always good at art, and thats why in kindergarden through fourth grade it was my favorite special class. I pushed through the crowd of people that were walking towards their classes. Oh God, I thought. I never knew that this college would be so full of rude, annoying people!

I ran into the classrom, and I was the first one there. Again. I walked up to the teacher, who was looking down through her cheetah print classes at a peice of paper that had an amazing Eagle that looked like a heart. It was really good and creative. I watched her shade it in and erase, shade it in, and erase. By then there was to much erase marks. "Ugh!!" She crumpled the paper up and threw it over her shoulder, and into a trash can.

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