This girl

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People take one look at me and think that I'm a weak girl.
Other people think I'm perfect.
Or the people that don't now me well thinks I'm a bitch.

The thing is I'm not a weak person,
I'm a lot stronger than people think.
I'm not perfect either, I make mistakes.
some mistakes I regret,
other mistakes are good because I learn from them.

For the people who thinks I'm a bitch,
I don't mean to be, I just act like one
because I'm sick of being nice to everyone
because some people take advantage of me being nice to them.

The problem is people don't now me well enough
and they judge me to quick.
People have no idea what I've been through
or what I've dealt with.

 Who is this girl you might ask? 
This girl is a fighter, A survivor.

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