I'm in hell

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My tears are as black as my heart.
I wish I can forget you
and never feel deep pain.
Trying so hard to erase you
from my black heart.
I wish you can burn into flames,
feel the pain in your heart as I have felt.
I'm in hell because of you.
I forgave you
that was my downfall,
I took you in my arms
then in a split second you laughed
and ripped my heart out
and left me alone in the dark to die.
I'm sitting in a dark place,
I cut my wrists
and let it flow like a river.
Do you see what you made me do?
I'm in hell
and my creatures of the night
sing their dreadful song.
ONE day I will be powerful
and rise
and when I do I will take a life
an endless life in the darkness.

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