I am me

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I am me.
I am not perfect.
I'm not special.
I'm just me.

 You can either be my friend
or be my enemy.
If you have some thing to tell me
then say it to my face
and not behind my back.
If you don't wanna be my friend,
then thats fine.

I know that life is a bitch.
I know what heart break is.
I know that you make mistakes.
I know that you have regrets.
And I expecially know about pain.

I am me.
I'm not gonna change for anyone.
If I want to change
then it will be on my own terms
and not what anyone else says.

If you think i'm a good person,
then your wrong.
You don't know what goes on behind closed doors.
If you want to know what I keep hidden,
you have to stick around to find out.
Whatever you think of me,
I don't care anymore.

I am me.
I am not perfect.
I'm not special.
I'm just me.

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