You are my biggest sin

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You turn cold and numb,
You pick up the blame,
You try and pick up the pieces.
But is it worth it?
Will everything be alright after?

Your intentions were pure,
You never wanted more,
You never wanted me, did you?
You said you wanted me,
But yet justice dictates that,
I'm nothing but a play toy to you,
Has soon as you get bored of me,
You'll toss me out like a chew toy.

Put me on the ground,
Suck the blood from my veins,
And poison from my sweetest heart.
I'm addicted to your darkest sins.

Corpses of hell well some day rise,
And strike fear and pain into your hearts.

The deeper the pain,
The deeper my scar.
The taste of my soul,
The sight of my death.
The pool of my blood,
The gasp of my breath.
The drops of my tears,
The bloody red stains on the ground.
Your lust is doing this to me.

No matter what,
I can't have you,
And you can't have me.
Because it wasn't meant to be.

Take me by the hand,
And kiss me passionately.
Let me go into the sunset.
I'll see you some day,
Be with you some day,
But this some day isn't today.

Loving you right now,
Is my biggest sin.

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