Am I dreaming?

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While I lay sleeping,
thoughts of you I'm seeing.
Longing to be with you.
Am I dreaming?

One day,
I'll see you.
I can't help this feeling.
Am I dreaming?

Time flows as fast as a river
when we are together,
but in your arms the world is right.
You made me realize I am worth the ride in life,
Despite how fucked up I am.

Scared of being in love with you,
but here is my heart anyways.
Don't break it.

Ever since the movie we watched together, I couldn't stop thinking about you.
After I kept talking to you,
I realize I fell in love with you.
Now that i'm in love with you,
I'm afraid to lose you.
Now that I've got you,
I'm afraid to hurt you,
because you are so sweet.

You think it's a dream,
but it's not.
I'm real, flesh and blood.

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