A guessing poem (A perfect man)

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What makes a guy so perfect?
Well for starters he has to cook,
help with the cleaning,
willing to do anything for you,
give you a strong drink when you need one,
want to cuddle when its cold,
and most importantly make you laugh even if you are not having a bad day.

You are probably wondering when the guessing starts
and why I am writing this.
Well you see I have met this guy that I just described.
As unbelievable as it seems its true.
But there is just one tiny problem with this guy.

And now the guessing begins:
Is he female? No
Is he a hobbit? No
Is he Thor? No.
Is he a cat? No.
Is he Ross Geller from Friends? No.
Is he a superhero? No.
Is he a sexy fireman? Is he sexy but no he is not a fireman.
Is he a friend? Yes.
Is he gay? YES.

I sure have bad luck when it comes to men huh?

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