A twisted mind

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No light shines through these caged windows.
The light cannot penetrate the dark abyss of the bars.
I feel deluded as my dreams merge with reality,
they will be coming again for me tonight.

They dressed in white,
they bring needles.
I call them the angels of hell.
They are angels cause they claim to want to help you.
I say they are from hell cause they torture me.

They strap me to a table,
they put this awful tasting thing in my mouth and tell me to bite down on it.
They put a headband like thing on my head.
Then suddenly the lights start to flicker
I start shaking not because i'm scared
but because they pushed this button that makes me shake.

After when its all said and done they put me into a straightjacket,
and into a four padded room.
They say i'm crazy.
Maybe that's true but why won't they leave me alone if i am?
Why can't they let me riot in this room that I now call my tomb?

Its like this day in and day out,
but only because I hear voices
and see things i'm not suppouse to see.
My mind is twisted.
I'm a prisoner trapped in my own mind.
Or maybe
I'm something else,
something not human
something that may kill you.

Or maybe......
i'm in the deepest part in the back of your head
just waiting to get out
waiting to currupt you.

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