Too late (Unsent letter)

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You took my heart from the first time I laid eyes on you. It was no secret what i felt for you. I told you how i felt, you said you felt the same way. But I was an idiot. You played me like a fiddle. Now years down the road its back to where it started. But this time I feel nothing for you. I guess it is true what they say "you want what you can't have". I'm not going to believe your lies, i'm not going to be played again.

If your feelings are real then i'm sorry to say its just way too late. What do you expect me to say? That I feel the same way you do? That I want us to be together? Do you want me to leap into your arms and be happy? Sorry not going to happen. Its too late for us to start again. Someone else came along and gave me what you couldn't or wouldn't give to me. He gives me love, shows me how much he loves me, stays with me even when he knows he should leave me.

I thought we could be friends, but i guess we can't considering you want to play a game. I'm only going to say this once I want you to stay away, and whatever you have to say I don't want to hear it. Take care of yourself cause this is goodbye.

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