I love him (but hate what he does to me)

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Ahhhhhh first love's gotta love them :)

I love him so very much.
I can't explain what he does to make me happy.
All I know is he makes me happy,
and I wouldn't do anything to hurt him.

I never thought I would love a guy so much
that I didn't care what it took to keep him.
I never thought anyone could break the walls down
that I have built to protect myself from being hurt.
I never thought a guy like him would love me
the way that he loves me.

He is my world.
The only one to turn my world into color
when it is black & white.
The only guy that is there to make me
happy or laugh or smile when I'm feeling blue.

I love how he cares.
I love his smile.
I love his brown eyes.
I love everything about him.

I can't explain it
but he makes me feel alive.
I'm always getting butterflies.
My heart always beats so fast that I think my heart might burst.
I love what he does to me,
but then again I hate it.

This love we share,
I see the changes.
He isn't the guy i use to call a friend,
or a brother.
He is my boyfriend.

He consume's my mind.
He invade's my thoughts.
He bring's a smile to my face,
a sparkle to my eyes.
He take's my breath away,
with the simplest things his lips utter.

I just want to scream to the world that
"I love him, more than words could say"
He is my light, my life, my love.
He is the only man that i love,
the only man that I ever want to be with.

I love this feeling,
but I hate feeling this way.
I love him,
and love what he does to me,
but then again I hate it.

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