Christmas is the time for...

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Holiday themed poem!

Christmas is a time for everyone,
including you and me.
Christmas is about bringing hearts together.
Its also the time to hang decorations on the tree,
and make it all pretty to see,
time to listen to Christmas music and everyone singing along.

Its also about bringing family's together,
building snowmen with friends, and sliding.
Christmas is the time to see
crowds of people shopping,
here & there.
Having a white blanket of snow everywhere.
Seeing pretty lights all a glow,
red, white, yellow, blue, and green.

Its almost Christmas time,
its an excuse to eat junk,
drink lots of wine,
and eat turkeys,
and opening gifts,
and seeing kids faces glow with delight
when they get the gift they wanted that Christmas.

Even though this is all great,
Christmas is also the time to celebrate
The birth of Christ on Christmas day.
Christmas lasts only once a day,
but the memories inside will stay.
And when it is over with
Christmas will come in 365 days again.

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