My night with my lover

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As her soft weight is lowered onto me down below
she covers me with her warming body
kissing my neck as the rage inside
me rises with in me
my heart starts pounding and so does she
grinding against my body with her loving touch.

Wrapping my legs around her waist
I carve my nails in her back
staring in her eyes
I now she wants it as much as I do.
Looking back into her eyes
she archs her back to my grinding nails

Still grinding with a loving heart.
for only a moment and nothing less
the two stop in the heat of passion
only to slide a single finger in
between her lovers legs
engaging in a heated motion.

Her lover moves to the subtle moans
traveling further her finger searches
going deeper still
hoping to find a lustrious surprise
in her ear her lovers moans
exuberating the need for wanting more.

Looking deep into eachothers eyes
a passionate kiss is shared
as a second finger joins the 1st
only adding to the once slight moans
her lover swallows each moaning breath
in between each soft supple kiss.

With grinding hips against each sweating body
and a driving hand deep with in
her lovers back arches upward
Feeling the need to let it all go
soon in time she feels the warmth
of her lovers sweet hunny dribble over her hand.

Slowly coming out for air
she trails her hand over the soft sweat skin
of a tired and once pure hearted girl
kissing her lover gently she lays beside
holding her close with a soft tender touch
saying i love you before drifting into a deep slumber.

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