Thank you #2

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Dear Friend,

Thank you for listening.
Thank you for caring.
Thank you for the shoulder
I always leaned on when
I needed to cry.
When no one was there and cared,
you were there.
You helped me thorugh things
without even knowing.

I trust you with everything that I have.
I only hope you feel the same.
But it doesn't seem like you do.
We all need someone to talk to in our life,
a friend who is always there
throughout the pain,
the bad times,
and the misery.

For all the times you have been there for me,
its my turn to be there for you.
You will always be in my heart.
You will always be on my mind when I worry about you.
No matter how far apart we are.

If you ever need to cry,
don't be ashamed.
My shoulder will be there for you to cry on.
Whenever you feel like no one is there for you,
I am there.
Let me hold your hand,
I won't let anything hurt you.
Hold my hand,
for I will never let you go,
never let you down,
and never turn my back on you when you need me the most.

DON'T turn your back on me
because i'm writing you this poem.
I'm writing this poem to express my concern and worry for you.
What will it take to make you see that I'm not lying to you?
What can I do to prove to you that my words mean something?
If you don't trust me,
then tell me a way to make you trust me
because I want to take away your pain.
I want to help you out the way you have helped me.
I don't like it when your in pain.
Just let me help you,
and I promise I won't let you down.

So when you think you are alone and no one knows your in pain.
You are wrong.
I can tell when your upset.
Just know you can always come and talk to me.
You are one of my greatest friends
and you are one of my friends
I will NEVER let down, or forget.
I will always think of you.
I love you with all my heart and soul.
I will always need you
but you have to let me help you too.
I'm always here for you no mater what.

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