A line I will never cross

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For some reason I actually remember who I wrote this for. This is for the guy I named "Arty" he is someone who will always have a special place in my heart despite never actually dating him. But that's okay because his friendship always meant more to me anyways.

I had feelings for you so long ago,
but I decided to go a differnt path.
For some reason what I felt for you then came back.

My need for you,
is mine,
not yours.
You do not need to answer me
because I'm not telling you how I feel
because I don't want to ruin the friendship.
Your friendship means more to me than anything else.
I would like to say this though.

I want to write the rest,
I want to be the best for you.
To show a different side of me
through a disguise I wear.
I want to write that book
and begin a new chapter to my life
with you here right by my side.
I want you to be here with me.
You are my pillar and my fantasy,
my earth and yet the sky for which I long for.
You make me smile.
Around you,
you always opened my heart,
and gave it a jump.
I'm always happy when you are around.

Because I can't have you,
I am thankful for being your friend,
and thanks for being there when I needed someone the most.

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