A/N: Coming Out! & Ch. 19 Teaser

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(I got the song at the top stuck in my head don't judge me pls ;-;) HAPPY COMING OUT DAY EVERYBODY!!!! I was planning to come out to my family today, but I'm not ready. I was actually going to until my mom started talking about the LGBT+ community. She said that she's actually met a bunch of nice gay people, but referred to them in a way that was... aggravating. So I ended up backing out at the last minute, but it's never too late. I don't even think she would take me seriously; I've made so many jokes about it to see how she'd react if I actually came out that I'm p sure she can't even tell if I'm serious anymore. I'm taking a little long with the next chapter, so I'll give you a small teaser.

=Maria's POV=

A loud SCREEEEECH! Came from the tires of my hatchback as I forcefully fried to stop it. I slammed my foot down on the break pedal, pulling on the wheel as thought it would do anything. "WATCH OUT!" I hear a voice outside of my car yell over the noise. It was too late, I hit someone. Oh my god. oh my god, I hit someone! "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" James (Reynolds) shouts at me. "I told you to fucking stop, dumbass!" Quickly jumping out of the car, I slowly walk around to the front of the car while preparing myself for the sight of whoever I had slammed into.

I was not ready.
Yep. Writers block won't stop being a bitch, so I took foreverrrrr just to do that.

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