Breaking the News

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Em's Pov

I can't believe me and Ali are having a kid together. Today is the day we're gonna tell everyone. We're gonna start with Spencer and Hanna to see their recation. "Em are you ready yet we're leaving soon." Ali shouts from the next room over. "Yes I'm ready, I'm coming now." I walk into the room Ali is in and hugs her from behind " I'm here baby." She smiles her beautiful smile " Great let's get going to tell them." I nod " Wait one thing" I get on my knee and pull up Ali's shirt so I can see her stomach and kiss it " I love you little baby with all my heart." I pull her shirt back down and stand up " That's all I wanted to do " I kissed Ali softly. She kisses back " I don't know what I would do without you Em."

"Well you would probably need a new backup dancer and you wouldn't have a bundle of joy in you." I smile my charming smile at her. "Okay smart ass let's go now " I nod and hold Ali's hand and we walk to Han's room where her and Spence are. I knock on the door and Spence opens the door" you two come in" Spence opens the door for us and we walk and sit on the couch across from Han and Spence. "So what is the thing you guys wanted to telling us." Han asks curious. " Um well you  are gonna be aunts " Ali says calmly. Spence's  eyes went wide, it took Han a second to get it they both ask at the same time " Ali your pregnant?"

Spence's POV

"Yes I am " Ali says happy. " It's Emily's right " I ask looking at the both of them. Ali gives me a weird look " Of course it's her's." She snaps. I put my hands up "Okay just checking  Ali no need to go all mama bear already." She calms down " Okay sorry Spence." I smile " I can't believe my little sister is pregnant, this kid is gonna be so spoiled." I look at Em " Ali can I talk to Em alone real quick." Ali looks at me " Okay just don't do a you and scare her half to death." I nod at Ali. Ali and Han go into the other room.

I look at Em and she looks so scared " Okay Em I'm not gonna hurt you I just wanna talk." Em relaxes  " Alright Spence what do you wanna talk about." I look her in the eyes " Em protect  my sister with your life and that baby okay I don't want any to happen to her or the baby." Em nods and starts to speak " I promise you Spencer nothing will happen to Ali or that baby, I will never let that happen." I nod at Em " Okay Em I trust you don't break my trust ."  Em gulps " I won't break your trust Spence." I look at her " You better not."

Han's POV

I smile " so I'm gonna be an Aunt " Ali giggles " Yeah Han your gonna be a Aunt." Ali rubs her stomach. " That baby is gonna be so cute with Drake and Fields genetics in it ." I joke around with Ali. " I know it definitely will it will be the cutest baby ever." Ali says smiling big. "Hey what about me when I was a baby." I fake being hurt. Ali looks up and smirks " Are you jealous of a unborn child Hanna." I shake my head and pretend not to be jealous " No why would I be jealous of my niece or nephew." Ali looked at me seeing through my lie " Because your my little sister and I know when your jealous." I laugh " i know the baby will be so cute ."

I rub Ali's stomach " Hey baby I'm your aunt, please don't make your mommy have a lot of hormones so she won't be a bitch." Ali smacks the back of my head " oww Ali, I'm sorry I said that" I look up at Ali  " please don't cuse to my kid Han " Ali raises her eyebrows. I raise my arms up  " Careful mama bear."

Em's POV

"Okay me and Ali have to go to Aria's now " I say as Ali and Han walk back into the room. "Oh good luck with that." Han says. "Okay let's go Em see you guys later." Ali says when she pulls me out the door. "Bye!!" I hear Han and Spence yell. I laugh " Okay off to Aria's "


I'm just gonna leave it there for now

Well in till tomorrow guys bye

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