Wedding Day

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Em's POV * 5 months later* 

Today is the day I'm going marry the love of my life. I straighten out my tux. ((Yes i had her wear tux and Ali a dress)) i head out to the alter and stand there and wait till Alison comes out. I hear the music start to play and i see my baby girls walking down putting down flowers on the red carpet. I smile at my girls. Then the boys walk out with the rings. Then it's like an angel walked into the chruch. I hear the doors open again and i look up to see the most beautiful women  i could ever lay eyes on. 

I gulp as she walks closer to the alter. I take a deep breath. Kenneth handed Ali off to me and she stood in front of me and smile. " You look amazing Ali." I smile and look at her with so much love. " You don't look to bad yourself handsome." She flashes her Drake smile at me. I feel my heart melt at her adorableness. *10 mins later*  we are about to say our vows to each other. She's going first. " I could never be happier that you are in my life Emily, you made me a better person and you showed me how to love someone and truely mean it, without you i wouldn't be where i am today. I wouldn't have the perfect little kids you gave me, I wouldn't have the family of my own that i have always wanted, you Emily Fields have made my life a thousands times better just by being your amazingly perfect and talented self, I love you so much." Ali starts to tear up a little and smiles at me. Okay Em you got this just say the vows to the love of your life easy right? " When i first say you i thought you were an angel sent down from heaven i still think that so much more now, You help me get out of my shell, i knew i was in love with you the moment i saw you walking down the hallway on the first day of 5th grade, I'm the lucky one to have you in my life you, Ali you make me feel like i'm in heaven all the time, whenever i see you smile or when you do that adorable laugh i feel my heart melt or when you sing the kids to sleep i fall for you  more, Alison Drake you will always and forever be my beautiful angel and nothing will ever change that, I love you so much too." I smile and holds her hands gently. She smiles back. " You may kiss the bride." Aria says smiling a little. I kiss Ali passionately. She kisses back. I pull away with the biggest smile on my face.

" Best Day Ever." She says looking at me lovingly. " I totally agree with that." I nod and feel my heart melt more knowing Alison is finally mine forever. * an hour later* we are at the party part now. The kids are dancing with their gandparents. I'm getting a drink for me and Ali. I come back and set it down. " Care to dance my lady." I hold my hand out for her. She takes my hand " Why yes i would love to dance." I giggle and lead her to dance floor. We start dancing then Jason and Toby start a dance battle in the middle. Everyone circles to watch. Toby looks at me pulls me out. " Come on it's gonna be like old times Em with us beat Jason's ass at a dance battle." I laugh a little. " Okay fine let's do it then wait where's caleb." I look for him. Jason gets him out and pulls him to his side. " Okay now it's like old time." Jay and Cal start with some goodish moves. Then it's me and Tobs turns. I look at him and we do our old dance we used to do. At the end i hit a backflip. Toby looks at me with wide eyes. " what didn't know i could do that?" I smirk at him. " You've gotten way better then the last time we tired that." He highfives me. Cal and Jay go again. Me and Tobs go. Me and him do our finishing move that we could never get right but this time we did it perfectly. " You two giving up yet?" I asked a little out of breath. " I don't think we are ever going to beat you two so yeah." Caleb say tiredly. " I always win these with Tobs at my side." 

Everyone heads back to their seats. " That was very impressive Em." Ali kisses my cheek. I put my arm around her and hold her close. " I might've been showing off for you." She giggle that giggle that melts my heart. " Really might've been showing off Mrs. backflip." I smile at her and kiss the tip of her nose. " Okay maybe a lot of showing off." * after the party* we are heading home the kids are passed out in their carseats. Ali asleep too. I couldn't be happier then i am today. It's icy out a little. Then i see a part of lights coming my way then.............

Black is all i see............


So don't kill me but it will get happy trust me.

Hope you like it 

K love u bye 

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