The Question (Sparia)

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Aria's POV

God where are Emily and Alison. Lili and Grace won't stop crying and screaming.  "Shh Lili, Grace please". I try to calm them down but nothing works. I give them their bottles but they just knock them out of my hands. God they act like Ali in highschool. I grab my phone and call Ali. No fucking pick up. I try Em. No fucking pick up either. I swear if this two are fucking other and leaving me with their kids. I call Spencer. Finally someone picks up. "Hey baby". "Hi babe what's up". I rub my head at the crying babies. "Umm Ali left with your nieces and they won't be quiet can you come and help me ". "Of course I will Ari I'm going to the front now". I smile "Thanks babe". I hang up. I look at the girls "You two are lucky I love you". Grace and Lili stop crying. I look behind me and see Emily and Alison walking being all touchy feely. I clear my throat "Where the hell have you two been your kids wouldn't stop crying". I look at them a little pissed. Ali looks at me  "Sorry Aria".  I take a breath. "what were you two even doing that's so important I had to watch Lili and Grace". Emily rubs the back of her neck " Umm we were...." Ali cuts her off " We're practicing the rest of the dance". I raise my eyebrow at them and look at Emily "Em I know you don't lie what were you two actually doing in the dance studio because I can look at the security cameras". I cross my arms "We were just practicing the rest of the dance Aria".

"Okay I'm gonna let it slide just don't leave me with your kids again that's what we have Smara for okay". I walk away and bump into Spence " I'm so sorry Aria". I hop up " I'm fine it's fine, I'm heading to the security room wanna come. I'm checking the camreas to see what your sister and Emily were doing while I was suck with their crying babies". Spence nods "I'll come with you". I hold Spence's hand and walk to the security room. I get on the computer and look up the time. "Wow of course that's why she suck me with her kids". I see the video of them having sex in the dance studio . I look away and stand up. "Okay so they might have a sex problem". Spence comments. " I know they do, they do it like five times in a day". I rub my head and I realize I'm a little sexually frustrated with Spencer standing right there. " She's gonna get pregnant again".

I rub my head "She can't get pregnant again now, we just now started our tour again".  Spencer wraps her around me. "I know that would be a lot money wasted on another tour".I rest my head on her shoulder. " Yep lots of money wasted ". Spence kisses me lightly " Ali and Em are trying to be more careful. Ali said she's going on birth control so she won't ". I kiss her back " Those two are like horny teenagers whenever they get a chance to be alone". Spencer laughs "Yeah I had to live with Ali when she actually was a teenagers." I smile at her "And Hanna". Spence nods "Ali and Han would drive me and Alex insane". I giggle some more "I bet they did ". Spence kisses me again " Ali would always get away with everything and Han would get everything she wanted". I nod and smile " I can see those two getting that".

"Okay let's go back ". Spence says holding my hand walking towards where I left Em and Ali and Lili and Grace. I smile at her. She looks so beautiful. I should really ask her to be officially be my girlfriend soon. "Aria what are you smiling at ". Spence turns around and looks at me. I smile at her lovingly "You". Spence's cheeks turn red "What's there to smile about me about". I go close to her and kiss her passionately " I want you to be mine". Spence kisses back and rest her forehead on mine " Okay I'm yours then". I smile at her look into her eyes and kiss her softly. "I love you so much Spence". Spence smiles "I love you too Ari".


So that's it for this chapter

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