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October 8th

"-So, does that m–mean?" Jimin's voice slightly broke, the doctor interrupting him, "I'm afraid so."

Jimin's chest tightened something burning inside him, "h–how, lo–long d-" Jimin couldn't spit the words out as tears came rushing down his cheeks.

"If things go slowly, maybe a week," the doctor took a deep breath, "but considering your condition, I'm afraid it'll be sooner."

Jimin looked down, unable to process the information that has been thrown at him.

"We should tell your family ab–"

"No!" Jimin shouted, "no, please don't."

"But they're supposed to know," the doctor protested.

"I don't want them to worry, please don't tell them. At least not until I decide to tell them myself."

The doctor hesitantly nodded, "if that's what you really want, I can't do anything but respect your decision, but mr. Park, you don't have a lot of time."

"I know," Jimin smiled wiping his tear-stained eyes.


Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut at the sudden thought of him.

"Why are you still in there?!" Jungkook frustratedly shook his head, his heart clenching as his brain repeatedly played the same scene over and over again.

"I hate you Park Jimin! I fucking hate you!" Anger burst out of him as if he's been holding it in for the longest time possible.

"Why must you do this to me?" His knees were weakening, causing the younger to collapse on his bedroom floor.

"I hate you with all my soul and being!" He growled at the photograph of the two of them, which was sitting on the night stand and slammed it against the wooden material, the sound of glass breaking echoed through the lifeless room.

"But I don't," he whispered as he picked up the photograph that was laying in the pile of broken hands, his fingers getting minor cuts as he approached it.

"I fucking don't," he sobbed, "not even a little bit."

Fingers slowly, yet aggressively ran across the photo of the two of them when they had first started dating.
He turned the photo around, a date written on the bottom right with a note beside it.

Jungkook had completely forgotten about the note and the promise written in it.

October 13th 2015

Dear us in the future.

God knows when I will look at this note again, but whenever and wherever that is, I hope Jimin and I are happy and we've settled down.
I am quite positive, Jimin doesn't know about this little note, but I think that's how it's supposed to be, at least for now. It's been exactly one year since we've started dating and as ironic as it is, it's also Jimin's birthday today.
I actually hope he never gets to read this, because my cheesiness will probably eat him alive.
But all jokes aside, I want to write a promise to him, so here goes nothing.

"Dear Jiminie hyung.
Please don't get mad that I called you hyung. I know you hate when I call you that, but I thought I might finally show some respect towards you.
We've known each other for over three years and man have they passed quickly.
I might never get the chance to tell you this in person, because you know I'm forgetful, so I'm writing it down, just incase.
I love you. I know I rarely say it at home, much less in public, but I want you to know that I am not afraid to show my love towards you.
I am just simply shy–or used to be for that matter.
I want you to know that I will be support you through anything and my love for you will live on, no matter what happens to either of us.
I promise to help you, encourage you and mostly love you till death do us part.
I will, no matter what, be there for you at your lowest times and lift you up.
This promise has no particular ending or beginning and I promise you that so shall my love and respect for you be. As I'm writing this down, I am completely and fully giving you all of me and the me I shall become."

I love you Park Jimin and I always will.

- Jeon Jungkook.



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