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October 11th

"I brought you your favorite shirt a–and–"

Jimin smiled, reaching out to hug his sobbing best friend, "hey, hey, it's fine, it's okay. Everything will be okay."

Taehyung hugged him tightly, "–no, it won't be. Jiminie you–, you'll–" he coughed loudly.

Jimin looked at the sobbing figure in his arms, with a wide smile, but that was just a facade, to cover up the terrified boy underneath it.

"He came at your house and he asked for you, I–I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't," Taehyung spoke, taking a huge breath in between the sentences.

"I don't want him to know anyway. I don't want any of them to know," Jimin whispered, "I told you because you're my best friend Tae and I want to have someone beside me the da–"

Taehyung interrupted, "–please don't. I don't wanna hear your say it. It hurts."

"You're my best friend and I know you won't tell anyone. I don't want them to suffer, especially him."

Taehyung looked up at him, "b–but Jungkook, he–he's longing for you, he misses you and he's broken."

"Exactly," Jimin said, lightly squeezing Taehyung's hand, "it's better this way. I don't want to see him, be–because, I don't know what I might do."

"What about the others?" Taehyung implied.

Jimin tried hard not to let his facade fall apart and it was harder every passing second, "please don't tell them Tae. Just tell them I left, went off somewhere, but please for my sake, don't tell them."

"I can't handle so much pressure Jiminie. I love you so much and to see you in this state and not be able to do anything about it makes me feel so guilty," words came out like bullets.

Jimin's lips twitched as he attempted to smile, but failed, "t–they've tried everything Tae. There isn't anything else to do. I j–just have to wait and I want you to be there with me when it happens. For those last moments, I wanna be with someone I love, that's all I ask for."

Taehyung bursted into tears once again, "J–Jiminie, I don't–don't know if I'll be able to handle it all. I don't–"

"–You will. It'll be just like going to sleep and you'll be there to sing me g–" Jimin choked, a single tear escaping his eye, "–good night."

Taehyung hid his face from the other boy, not wanting him to see his red face and puffy eyes.

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, Taehyung humming a song, which was unfamiliar to Jimin, but it made him calm down and forget about his problems, for those couple of minutes.

It was calm and relaxing and Jimin wondered if it would be like that after he leaves.
He wondered if he would be okay with the fact that Jungkook had no idea what would happen with him.
He wondered if he could forgive himself for the pain he would cause, but it wasn't his fault. He didn't wanna leave, not like that and not then.
But there was nothing left to be done and Jimin had to accept it.



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