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October 10th

"I miss you," Jungkook shivered, "I–I need you..."

His body was freezing to the point where he couldn't even feel the palms of his hands anymore.

A light breeze made the boy slightly shake, but that didn't stop him from sitting in front of Jimin's house for hours.
He had knocked, rang, even yelled for the elder boy, but every time the response were the overly loud crickets in the background, making Jungkook sigh and sit back into his original position.

He believed Jimin would appear out of somewhere and hug him, forgiving him, but after a few hours, his hope slightly started fading.
The boy was no where to be found and it was time for Jungkook to leave.

The quiet neighborhood was interrupted by a loud vehicle that had parked right in front of the freezing boy, who looked rather confused and excited thinking it was Jimin, but to his misfortune, it was Taehyung.

Jungkook stood up, walking past the cold figure, until a voice stopped him from going any further, "what were you doing at Jiminie's house?"

Jungkook's cold blood instantly began boiling as he heard the obsurd question, "am I supposed to ask you where to go as well?"

"Neither Namjoon hyung or Jin hyung are here, so I will beat your ass if you don't get lost immediately," Taehyung answered with hatred in his voice.

"Oh come on hyung, we both know you won't do shit, so just stop with the tough act."

Taehyung's hand tightened around Jungkook's cold wrist at the sudden heard words.
"Do you wanna die?"

"Do you wanna be a good friend?"

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, confused at the question, "–wha–"

"Oh, I thought we were just naming impossible things," Jungkook quietly laughed, but he looked scarier than ever.

Taehyung's jaw clenched and so did his hand around the younger's wrist, "you're a piece of shit you know that right?"

"To people who deserve it," Jungkook's was straight forward, making the elder even angrier than he already was.

The auras of Jungkook and Taehyung seemed like complete opposites.
Taehyung's was full of anger, rage and worry, but Jungkook's aura represent a broken soul with an angry facade, which was breaking apart day by day.

"Let go of my hand," Jungkook commanded, his wrist already sore from the tight grip.
"Get lost and I'll let go of your hand!" Taehyung yelled.

Jungkook wanted to know why Taehyung came to Jimin's house when he wasn't there, but ended up giving in, "fine, I was leaving anyway."

"Good," Taehyung spoke slowly loosening his grip.
"He's not home," Jungkook eyes stung at the simple words he spoke.

Taehyung nodded.

"Where is he?" Jungkook couldn't help but ask the question that's been irritating his since Taehyung came.

Taehyung scoffed, his arm slightly leaning on the top of his car, "you can't be serious?"

"I am."

"How do you not know where he is?"

Jungkook smiled and licked his lips, anger ready to burst out of him, "nobody tells me anything anymore. I am practically dead for all of you."

Taehyung felt bad, he felt bad for using harsh words on the younger, but he was still angry with him, "you didn't even ask about Jimin, why would we bother to tell you anything."

"How– you know what," Jungkook was ready to start arguing, but stopped.
"I'm not gonna bother with any of you anymore, especially you," the younger boy clenched his teeth to stop the forming tears from escaping his blood shot eyes.

"Good choice," were the last words Jungkook heard from the elder before he disappeared out of sight.

He wasn't having anyone's shit anymore.

But still, he wondered where Jimin might be and the place his mind instantly went to, caused Jungkook's chest to tighten even more.

He wanted to stop caring and he wanted to hate him, but how could he hate someone who was a part of him. Someone who made him who he was and someone who completely changed his view on life.


Taehyung looked back, making sure Jungkook left as he slowly walked up the front door, unlocking it.

As he walked in, his phone rang, scaring the living hell out of him.
He took it out, slowly pressing it against his ear as a soft voice spoke through.

"Tae?" Taehyung gulped as he heard the sweet tone.

"Yes Jiminie?"

"Are you there yet?" Jimin whispered.

Taehyung's legs led him up to Jimin's room, opening the bedroom door.
"I just got in."

"Oh," Jimin sighed, "do you remember everything I told you to take?"

Taehyung's eyes began tearing up all of a sudden, as he mumbled something to himself.
"Uh, y–yeah," he tried covering the fact that he was sobbing with a loud cough.

"Tae. Are you crying?" Jimin immediately asked.

Taehyung coughed a couple more times before answering, "no, no. I just had something in my throat. Probably the dust, your room hasn't been cleaned in a while," Taehyung was glad he had a reasonable excuse, although his heart still ached from what Jimin had told him earlier.

And he tried acting tough and strong, but he was going to break down, it was bound to happen sooner or later.


it lasted;

three days | jikook✧| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now