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Mariah Coleman stared into the man's eyes, her own eyes widened in shock, mouth agape. A small smile made it's way onto his face. "Hi baby," he said quietly. As the words left his mouth, Mariah's shock was quickly replaced with anger.

Patrick Coleman noticed her mood shift and took a step forward. Mariah's grip tightened on the door and she swiftly pushed it forward as she attempted to close it. Her father quickly slammed a hand against the door, stopping it before it could close.

"Come on, Mariah," he said. She glared fiercely at the man who stood in front of her. "What the hell are you doing here? How did you know we were here? How did you find us?" Mariah questioned coldly. "Watch your mouth when you talk to me. I'm still your father," Patrick said. Mariah scoffed out a humorless laugh.

"You are not my father. Not even close. You're the man whose sperm is the reason for my existence. You stopped being my father the day you left," Mariah said lowly. She willed herself to remain calm, finding it extremely hard.

"Mariah, I didn't come here to fight with you," he started. "Why did you come here then?" She snapped. He opened his mouth to answer before closing it. "You know what, I don't even care. Just get out," she said. Footsteps were heard behind Mariah and she turned her head.

"Mariah, what's going on?" Amara Coleman asked as she took small steps toward her daughter. Patrick tried to push the door open further, but Mariah kept a strong grip on it. Amara was stood beside her daughter now, eyes narrowed at the man in front of her. "Hello Amara," Patrick greeted.

Amara took another step forward, gently pushing her daughter away from the door. She pushed the door open further and looked at the man. Amara lifted her hand and slapped him across the face. Mariah's eyes widened. Patrick's head jolted to the side and he placed a hand onto his cheek.

He chuckled slightly, "I can't say I didn't deserve that." Amara glared at the man in disgust. "You deserve a lot more than that. How dare you? How dare you come here?" Amara snarled. "I came to see my daughter," Patrick stated. "After all these years. No calls. No texts. No nothing. And now you just decide that you want to see her?" Amara exclaimed.

"Amara, there are things that we should discuss. All of us," he said. "You need to leave, right now," the woman said. "Amara—" he tried but she cut him off. "No! Leave, right now! Before I call the police," Amara said angrily. "Mari, please," the man pleaded. "Don't call me that," Mariah snapped.

She took a step backward and away from the door, watching as her mother slammed it shut. Mariah released a slow breath, feeling her chest constrict. Unshed tears stung her eyes and she willed herself not to cry.

"I cannot believe the audacity of that man!" Amara exclaimed as she paced the living room. "I mean, what made him think that he could just show up here after three years of nothing?" She continued. "How did he even know where we lived?" Mariah asked the woman who shrugged, her expression incredulous.

"I don't know! I sure as hell didn't tell him. I don't even have his number. Assuming he has a phone," Amara rambled. "Well, do you have any idea who could've told him?" The blonde asked. Amara released a breath and thought for a moment. "No. Maybe he hired a private investigator or something," the woman said.

"Maybe it was grandma?" Mariah proposed but Amara immediately shook her head. "No, she would never do that," the older woman said. Mariah nodded and the room fell silent, both women deep in thought.

The silence was interrupted by the sound of a ringing phone. "That's your phone," Amara said. Mariah nodded and walked back into the kitchen, retrieving the device. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was a call from Archie. She involuntarily smiled and pressed the green talk button.

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