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Mariah had met her father at the police station. He waited outside for her to arrive. When she got out of her car he smiled. "You cut your hair," he said, noticing the obviously shortened hair. "Yup," she said, moving past him and to the police station's door. She opened it and went inside.

Jughead was already waiting inside for them. He stood when they arrived. "Mar, thank you so much for doing this," he thanked. "You owe me big time Jones," she muttered. Her father turned to Jughead and held out a hand. "Patrick Coleman," he said. Jughead looked him in the eye. "I know who you are. I'm Jughead," he said, ignoring his hand.

Patrick dropped it to his side. "Right, the Jones boy. I remember you," he said awkwardly. "Let's just get this done with, okay?" Mariah suggested. The two nodded and Patrick walked over to the front desk. "I'd like to speak with Sheriff Keller and Mayor McCoy, if she's here," he began.

"What's this about?" The deputy behind the desk asked as he looked the man over. "About the teenagers I believe you're wrongly holding in this station. Accused of crimes I'm told, you can't prove," Patrick said. Sheriff Keller stepped out of his office then, eyes on Patrick. "Mr. Coleman," he greeted. "Sheriff," Patrick replied. "What's this all about?" Keller questioned.

"Let's talk in your office, shall we?" Patrick said, moving around the desk and to where Sheriff Keller stood. The sheriff looked at Mariah and Jughead before following after Patrick. "You cut your hair," Jughead noted. "Yeah," she muttered. "Looks good," he said. "Thanks." The two teens sat down and waited, hoping that Patrick could convince Sheriff Keller to let the Serpents go.

Luckily for them, he did. Maybe ten minutes later, the two had exited Sheriff Keller's office. The men shook hands and Sheriff Keller went to the back where the cells were. Mr. Coleman walked back over to them holding a thumbs up. Jughead sighed when he saw the Serpents filing out from the back and into the front of the station.

"I knew you'd get us out of this, Jones," was the first thing Sweet Pea said when he saw Jughead. "Not me," Jughead said, "her." He pointed at Mariah. "Northside princess helped us out?" Fangs questioned with a playful smile. "She had help," Patrick spoke up and Mariah rolled her eyes. "Patrick Coleman, I'm her father," he said. The blonde rolled her eyes again.

"Why did you help us?" Sweet Pea asked him. "You have her to thank for that," Patrick said. He turned to Mariah, "I'll be in touch." The blonde only frowned when he smiled. He turned back to the teens. "Stay out of trouble, all of you," he said. "Thanks for your help," Mariah said awkwardly. Patrick smiled again, "You're welcome." And with that, he walked out of the station.

Mariah looked back over at Jughead when he touched her arm. "Seriously, Mar, thank you. I know how hard that must have been for you," he said. "Yeah well, what're friends for," she replied. "You really helped us out?" Sweet Pea asked, still not believing that a Northsider would help them. "I really did," she replied.

"Thanks, I guess," he said after a moment. "Don't mention it," she replied. "Believe me, I won't," he said and Mariah rolled her eyes. Sweet Pea was looking at her differently. She wasn't at all who he thought she was. He wouldn't admit it, but he was very appreciative. The Serpents began filing out of the station along with Jughead. Toni stopped to stand next to Mariah. "You cut your hair," she noted. Mariah sighed, "Yes I did. It was very impulsive and stupid and I fucked it up and Cheryl fixed it to the best of her abilities and I hate it."

"Why? You look good," Toni complimented. Mariah looked at her, "Really?" Toni nodded, "Yeah, short hair totally suits you. Did you still wanna dye it or?" Mariah shrugged, "To be determined. Cheryl told me not to make anymore rash decisions. I think if I dyed it she'd kill me."

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