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It had been two weeks since Mariah and Archie had broken up. The blonde had tried to get over the situation but she couldn't. She told herself that she didn't care but she did. And she hated that she did. She hated that she allowed herself to be hurt by Archie. She regretted ever giving their relationship a chance.

She should've seen it. Seen that eventually things would change. That he'd get sick of waiting for her to be ready. Maybe if she had given him what he wanted, then they would've still been together. Or maybe they wouldn't have been. Mariah didn't know what turn their relationship would have taken in that 'what if' situation.

But even if she had wanted to have sex with him, she couldn't. There was a part of her that had held her back. A part of her that didn't trust herself to do it with him. Or maybe there was a part of her that didn't trust him. An inner instinct. An instinct that was right. So in a way, she was glad that she never did.

Cheryl had tried to help her take her mind off of the situation. The two hung out a lot more than usual and for a while, her mind would be at ease. But after the redhead would leave, she'd go back to thinking about that night that she caught Archie and Veronica in his bedroom.

Jughead and Betty were trying to get her to join them in their sleuthing and maybe join the Blue and Gold. "It'll be a great distraction," Jughead had said. "Plus it'll be super fun," Betty had promised. Mariah said she'd think about it but in all honesty, she did not want to third wheel on their late night escapades.

Mariah had been talking to her mom too. The two didn't do anything extravagant. Just some at home facials and they'd eat Oreos and talk. Amara had told her daughter about all of her failed relationships, in an attempt to make her feel better. It didn't really but the effort was appreciated. The night had ended with Amara asking, "What is it with Lancaster women and men?"

By Lancaster women, she meant all of the women, as her original surname is Lancaster, in her family because many of them had had trouble with men. Mariah had shrugged replying with, "We must be cursed." Amara had nodded in agreement. "Maybe it's a sign that we should date women," she had said, a smirk coming to her face as she thought about something.

At first, the blonde had thought her mother was just joking but one look at the woman's face told that she wasn't Mariah had never given dating girls much of a thought. She had merely laughed, though her stomach twisted strangely at the thought, and replied with a maybe. "But women can be just as bad as men," Mariah had pointed out. "Then we should just stay single," her mother replied.

The following Monday, Mariah could be found at her locker. She stared straight ahead into it, not moving a muscle. She had become distracted, yet again, by her own thoughts. She blinked when a hand slammed into the locker next to hers. She turned her head to see a familiar face. One that she never expected to see again.

"My my. Mariah Coleman in the flesh. You look great," the boy said. "You should know by now, Nick, flattery doesn't get you anywhere with me," she replied, closing her locker. He smirked. "What're you doing here?" She asked. "Oh just visiting. My parents are doing some business with Hiram Lodge and I wanted to see my favorite person," he replied.

"So I take it you've seen Veronica already. You know, your favorite person," she said with an eye roll. "Oh don't be like that. You know you're my favorite," he said. "Again with the flattery," she said. "Just trying to stay on your good side. And to answer your question yes, I have seen Veronica," he said.

"Good for you," she said before moving past him. "Was that hostility I detected?" He questioned, walking after her. "Yes," she answered simply. "I take it you two have hit a rough patch then," he stated. "Yup," she said. "Are you two no longer friends?" He questioned. "Nope," she replied. "What happened? I want details," Nick said. "Go ask her for details, I don't wanna talk about it," Mariah responded.

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