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Mariah had sat at that piano bench for the next hour, her mind racing. She had no idea what the hell just happened or what was going on with her and that scared her. Because it meant that she wasn't in control and not being in control could be scary. Very scary.

When Amara Coleman had come home, Mariah had been relieved at the distraction. She wanted her mom to get her mind off of things. But it was as if the older woman knew something was off as soon as she looked at her. For one, Mariah's hair was silver. The sight made her mouth fall open in shock.

"What did you do to your hair?" She asked, placing her work bag down and walking into the living room. "I dyed it," she said distractedly. "Well, Toni... Toni dyed it," she corrected. "Toni?" Amara asked and Mariah nodded, beginning to feel awkward. Amara looked at her face and frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "I'm confused," Mariah said. Amara nodded, "Okay, confused about what?" Mariah looked over at the woman before sighing. "So, after Toni helped dye my hair we were hanging out and then we got close and she kissed me," she explained, wringing her hands together. Amara gasped dramatically. "She kissed you? Like, on the lips?" She asked and Mariah nodded. "And I might have kissed her back," she continued. Amara gasped again.

"Did you like it?" She asked, a smile beginning to form on her face. "Honestly? I don't know. Maybe. I don't know. I'm confused," Mariah answered. "Wow, this is surprising," Amara said. Mariah looked at her incredulously before groaning, dropping her head into her hands. "But, completely normal," Amara quickly corrected.

She came over to the piano bench and sat down next to Mariah. "I think it's great that you're exploring your sexuality. I mean, it can be an important aspect in self discovery. Plus, questioning your sexuality is totally normal and people your age and even older do it all the time. Hell, I did," she said. Mariah looked over at her. "You did?" Amara nodded, "Oh yeah. Once I got to college. I began experimenting a little. As soon as I kissed a girl for the first time, I knew that I wasn't only attracted to guys." A smirk came onto the older woman's face as she reminisced on her college days and her sexual escapades.

"So, what you're telling me is that you're not straight?" Mariah questioned. "That's exactly what I'm telling you," Amara answered. "So you're what, bisexual?" She asked next. "Well, I wouldn't really say that. I just, like who I like, no matter their sex," the older woman answered.

Mariah was even more confused and groaned again. "So all you had to do was kiss a girl and you knew," Mariah stated to which her mother nodded. "Well I kissed a girl, and I don't know anything." Amara nodded, "Well, everybody's different. I mean, did you ever feel any sort of attraction towards the same sex before you and Toni kissed?"

Mariah shrugged. Amara sighed and pulled her daughter into her side. "It's okay to not have all the answers right now. You've just got to try to reevaluate things. Think about how you feel," she said. "But I don't know how I feel. It's just... weird," the silver haired girl said. "Okay, think about how the kiss made you feel. I mean, you felt something, right?" She said.

"I felt, confusion," Mariah answered to which her mother chuckled. "Well, that counts for something, right? Maybe the reason you feel confused is because you might actually feel something more for her and you just didn't realize it until that moment," her mother went on. "I've only ever liked boys though. Why now all of a sudden am I feeling like this?" Mariah responded.

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