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*Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter*

Mariah showed up to cheerleading practice extra late. She knew that Cheryl would have something to say about it and she was not in the mood. She trudged into the gym to see the team already practicing the routine. The door to the gym slammed closed behind her and all eyes turned to her.

She sighed and Cheryl turned off the music. "Look who decided to show up," the redhead announced. "Sorry I'm late," she muttered. "Care to share why you're so late?" Cheryl asked. "I'm having an off day. It won't happen again," the blonde answered. Cheryl looked her up and down. "It better not." The redhead turned around and began getting practice back on track and Mariah walked to her spot.

Once practice was over, she was quick to exit the gym. She was stopped, however, by Betty and Veronica. "Mariah!" Betty called. Mariah slowed to a stop and turned to see the two approaching. "I've been calling you nonstop, why haven't you returned my calls?" Betty said. Veronica was looking down at the ground, and Mariah eyed her curiously.

"I've been, figuring some stuff out. Sorry, I meant to call you back. Things have just been, a lot," she replied. "Yeah, I heard about... you know... Your dad being back," Betty said. Mariah's eyes widened in a mixture of shock and confusion. "How did you "hear" that?" She asked. "Well, Archie mentioned it and then my mom said that she saw him the other day," Betty trailed off.

Mariah was shaking her head in annoyance. Of course Archie had told them. "We totally get why you didn't tell us. Just know that we're here for you. Right, V?" Betty said. Veronica looked up then, though she avoided making eye contact. "Yeah, right," she responded. "You okay, Veronica?" Mariah asked. "Yeah, just having my own father troubles. Mine just got out of prison and is back too," the brunette said.

"Yikes," Mariah muttered. "Yikes indeed," Veronica replied. Betty changed the subject. "So, we're still trying to figure out a way to save Pop's. You still in to help?" Betty said. Mariah shrugged, "I don't know if I'll be up for it but I'll let you know." Betty nodded and smiled. "If you need to talk, about anything, I'm here," she said. "Thanks, Betty," Mariah said, a small smile on her face.

"No problem, what are friends for," Betty responded. Veronica shifted on her feet uncomfortably, an action that Mariah would've missed had she not been looking at the girl. "Seriously, Ronnie. You okay?" She said. "Fine, just my dad. You know how he is," Veronica said. Mariah eyed her suspiciously. Something was off. The brunette wouldn't even look at her.

"You sure that's all?" Mariah pressed. "Yup, positive," Veronica replied. "Come on, Betty. We gotta go," the brunette continued. "You know, I'll still help with Pop's. Maybe it'll distract me," Mariah said, nodding slightly. "Great! See you later." Betty and Veronica walked away from the blonde.

Mariah watched the two walk away, her suspicion still there. She turned away around and walked in the opposite direction.


"You gonna tell me what's going on between you and Archie?" Jughead asked from across from her. The two were sat in her living room, he was trying to figure out what to do about his dad whilst she worked on fliers for Retro Night. Retro Night was Betty's idea to save Pop's. Mariah looked up at him with her eyes before returning them back to her paper.

"What do you mean?" She questioned. "Come on, M. He's acting weird, you're acting weird. Although I figured your weirdness had to do with your dad being back," Jughead continued. She looked over at him. "What, you didn't think I'd find out?" He questioned. "Did Archie tell you too?" She asked him.

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